Chapter 29: A secret revealed

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I can feel my anger slowly rage inside me as I kept staring the jackass right in her eyes. It was clear that she seemed to be concerned yet angry in a way but I just ignored it by getting back up to my feet, slightly bowing my head afterwards.

Rd: "What do you want Applejack.."

Aj: "Where the hell have you been idiot! We've been worried sick bout ya!" She growled in anger after she grabbed my shirt to pull me closer to her.

Rd: "B-back off!" I gasped, pushing the cowgirl away from me.

Aj: "Where have you been!?" She repeated before punching me on my stomach, making me gasp in pain.

Rd: "W-what the hell.. Aj?!"

Aj: "That's for tellin' everyone that I kissed you back at your place! Ya know how embarrassing was that for me?!"

Rd: "S-so..?" I muttered after looking away from her.

Suddenly, I gasped in shock when I felt her grab my shirt once again and slightly lift me up. Even though I tried to escape, her grip was too strong.. It was making me terrified of her..

Rd: "Applejack! Put me down.."

Aj: "Tell me where you've been dumbass!"

Rd: "Will you just relax! I've been.."

I was cut off when I realized I cant tell anyone about what happened a while ago, She'll kill me if she found out I've been practicing with another team.

And if she tells our team about this, there's a chance that they might kick me out of the club, so.. I had no choice.

Rd: "I was just in another abandoned court to practice my serves! N-now let me go!"

Aj: "Wow.. Did you even realized you f*cking let down our team by your selfish ass?! We lost against Everfree high because of your drama!"

Rd: "Wanna know why I ran out a while ago huh?" I chuckled, grabbing Aj's hand with mad force which made her gasp. "Its because you and our team were always underestimating me goddammit!"

Aj: "Were not underestimating you asshole! It was just our game plan!"

Rd: "Oh yeah- the plan that makes me useless right?" I laughed historically.

Aj: " S-shut up!"

Rd: "Why cant all of you see that I have potential..? Am I just some kind of receiver to all of you?!" I growled back as tears slowly form in my eyes.

Aj: "Volleyball is a team sport Rainbow! Its not all about you! We dont care if you go take the f*cking Ace's title, so stop being so dramatic about it! Your not special!"

Rd: "F-f*ck you.."

Suddenly, we both heard someone yell at us in the distance so we looked back and saw a few players from a different team watch us.

Applejack immediately loosen her grip on my shirt, causing me to fall down on the ground.

"You girls okay? Are you two fighting?"

Rd: "No m-ma'am! Were just.. Messing around.." I lied.

"It doesnt look like you two are messing around though, your friend's expression was real.."

Rd: "No, no! She's always like that!"

"Oh.. Well you two better go back to your cabin, the camp directors tasked us to do so."

Rd: "G-great! Thanks.."

After the other team left, I looked back up to Applejack, seeing her eyes angered again. I really messed up big time..

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now