Chapter 31: Confession

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Aj: "Cause I still love you goddammit!"

My eyes widened in pure shock as soon Applejack yelled out the truth. I was speechless and yet so.. Confused to even face her right in the eyes.

This was the first time I saw Applejack's eyes tear up.. It was making this heavy feeling in my chest get even worse just to see her like this.

As a few seconds of silence passed us, I can feel my anger getting worse as I formed both my hands into fists, grabbing her shirt to make her bend down since she's taller than me.

Rd: "Wha- what..?"

Aj: "I said I still love you Rainbow! I always have!"

Rd: "W-what do you mean you still love me?! After everything I've done to you! How can you still f*cking love me?!"

Aj: "I.."

Rd: "Y-your just playing with me again aren't you?!" I laughed while tears slowly flow down my cheeks. " I knew it.. I f*cking knew it.. "

Aj: "Can you just let me explain Rainbow! Im not playing with you!"

Rd: "Your so confusing.. This is all so confusing.." I cried, falling to my knees afterwards.

Aj: "Get yourself together Jackass.. Please.." She worriedly yelled back after kneeling down to pull me into a hug.

As soon the cowgirl pulled me into her arms, I can somehow feel the comfort and safety whenever Im close to her..

Rd: "Applejack.."

Aj: "W-what is it?" She asked, pulling away from the hug.

Rd: "I only came here to become the next Ace.. I didnt plan on falling in love with a jackass like you.."

Aj: "I.. Understand.."

Rd: "But.."

Aj: "But? But what?!"

Rd: "I can't stop falling in love with you.."

I saw Applejack's eyes widened as an irresistible smile went up her face. I just kept on bowing my head to avoid her to see how weak I am but..

She suddenly placed her hand on my chin to make me look back at her, causing our eyes to meet for seconds. Her beautiful emerald eyes.. Were no longer angered.

Aj: "Y-you.. Mean it?"

Rd: "I.. I dont know anymore, Applejack.. This is so confusing, your so confusing to figure out."

Aj: "What do you mean?" She asked before getting back up to her feet, helping me stand up after.

Rd: "After you kissed me back at my house.. I thought you were angry at me like before, but you kept on giving me this strange signs and its messing with me!"

Aj: "Am- I really that bad at Love?" She giggled, raising an eyebrow. " "

"Look Dash, Its confusing for me too. This is just my first time falling in love cause I usually dont care about this crap.. But when I met you, this strange feelings keep on overthrowing me everytime."

Rd: "So.. You were never mad at me..?" I asked after wiping my tears away.

Aj: "Yes- No.. Maybe? I dont know okay? All you have to know is there are 3 types of me: 1st F*ck you, 2nd F*ck off and 3rd.. F*ck me.."

Rd: "J-jackass! Your so-"

Aj: "Bad at flirting?"

Rd: "Yeah.. Your an idiot.."

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