Chapter 57: Take back the 2nd set!

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*Short and poorly written chapter, sorry XD


As soon I heard Sunset calling us from outside, I immediately got off of Applejack and ran to the corner, grabbing my clothes on the desk afterwards.

Applejack on the other hand quickly fixed her hair and rushed towards me, grabbing one part of my maid's dress for her to pull off.

But when I felt her touch, I suddenly let out a shriek as my cheeks reddened again, making Applejack quickly cover my mouth with her hand.

Aj: "S-shh!" She whispered before pulling the ribbon around my waist off. "Shut yer mouth, we need to hurry."

Rd: "Its already been 2 hours?!" I asked again while lifting the outfit upwards, revealing my body after.

Applejack just stood there, speechless, eyes widened, blushing and almost drooling. Of course we had to move fast so I quickly delivered a punch onto her stomach.

Aj: "Kff- Why you little-" She was cut off when I delivered another jab.

Rd: "Stop drooling over me and help me wear my clothes!"

Aj: "Lower your goddamn voice!"

"We can hear you two~" Someone sang from outside which made both of our cheeks to turn red even more.

Rd: "Goddammit that was Rarity! They've been listening to us!"

Aj: "Its obvious dumbass! Who else could have that annoying accent of hers?"

R: "HEY!"

Applejack let out a sigh and helped remove this stupid outfit from me, still smirking as she secretly glanced at my body.

After I finally got the maid's outfit off, I immediately grabbed my jogging pants and wore it.

Luckily I was wearing another pair of shorts underneath to avoid letting Applejack see the first layer.

Aj: "C-come on.. Hurry up!" 

Rd:" Hold on, Im almost done!"  

Moments later, I finally finished wearing all of my clothes, still in a state of panic as I nervously glance around the small room. 

Seeing Applejack still smiling at me really makes an irresistible form in my face.  

Just thinking about the fact that we actually did it in my age of 14 is messed up. I know its wrong in so many levels but.. I cant resist her. 

Of course that Jackass is only a year older than me, still were too young for a relationship nor this interaction.

Now that I finally tied my hair into a pony tail, I slowly faced Applejack and let out a weak smile. 

Our eyes met and the light in the room reflected onto her shining emerald eyes as soon she looked back into mine. 

Rd: "You ready?' I smirked while adjusting my shirt. 

Aj:" For round 2? Hell yeah."

Rd:" N-No!" I stared before throwing a broom stick at her. "For the game, dumbass. Im sure Sunset's gonna be pissed at us." 

She shrugged and sat back up, placing a finger under my chin while staring deep into my eyes afterwards. 

Aj:" Screw em'.. Im just happy that were good." 

Rd:" So.. Its like we just took a quick break?"

Aj:" Kinda.'" Applejack answered after she faced to the door. 

We just stayed silent for seconds as the smile plastered on our grew bigger. With our confidence back up, our hopes for this game changed. 

We may have lost the first set but that doesn't means that we lost the whole game. We still have hope, we can still win!

Rd:" Applejack.."

Aj:" Yeah sugarcube?' 

Rd:" Lets take back the second set.." 

The cowgirl smirked and nodded her head in agreement. She then placed her hand on the door's handle, taking a deep breath after. 

Same as her, I did the same thing as I placed my hand on the other side of the handle, still holding onto this cheerful feeling in my chest. 

Aside from the rest of my team knowing what me and Aj have done for the past 2 hours, this sensation from Applejack kept over lapping it all. 

At last, I finally removed the door's lock and slowly pushed the door open. 

Rd:" Well crap here we go." I thought to myself as the doors slowly opened in front of us. 

And there we saw all of our teammates were gathered in front of the room, most of them were giving a sly look with a smirk and some were just plain angry at us. 

Especially Sunset, Fluttershy and Coloratura. I think its best If I just ignore them, I dont want my passion to drain out again. 

Pinkie and the rest of my teams on the other hand was still smirking at us. Even though I tried my best to avoid making eye contact with any of them, Pinkie's goddamn smile got my attention. 

It may seems wrong at weird for them to see or.. hear us doing it because they knew that me and Applejack are no longer together. 

But they looks so happy at us..

Pp:" So~" Pinkie started while moving in a weird way. "How was it?" 

With my cheeks uncontrollably blushing from the cheerful libero's question, I immediately looked away and pouted.

Rd:" I.. I don't wanna talk about it, Pinkie." I nervously replied after covering my face with my shirt. 

Ts:" I wonder what did you two do inside there for 2 hours." 

Aj:" We just talked our problem out, It ain't important." 

Ts:" Talking for 2 hours seems kinda long don't you think, Applejack?"

Ss:" Yeah are you sure you two didn't do anything else back there? You know, like making out or having sex?" Sunset butted in while arching an eye brow at the both of us. 

Fs:" Yeah.. I wonder." Fluttershy rolled her eyes.

Pp:" Calm down Captain! Aren't you happy that they're back together?"

Cc:" Not even a little bit." 

R:" Oh Calm down Countess."

Ss:" Do you have somethng to do with this, Pinkie pie?"

Pp:" I dunno~"

With all of our teammates' questions left unanswered, Applejack suddenly stepped up and faced our Captain with a serious look. 

Aj:" Sorry for being late captain, can we continue the match now?" 

Sunset just sighed before turning around, grabbing the ball from Flash who was now holding an ice pack on his left cheek.

And Im guessing that Rarity already taught him a lesson. 

The tensions were high once again as we faced Sunset but our determinations were still high up unlike last time. 

Suddenly, Sunset finally spoke up, breaking the silence to grab all of our attention. 

Ss:" Do you realize that if you two loose this set, we win, Right?" 

I smirked, stepping up too to match Applejack.

Rd:" We know." I answered before looking up at the cowgirl beside me. She then nodded her head and smiled back. 

And at the same time.. We proudly replied-

"That's why.. Were taking back the Second set!" 

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