Chapter 24: Im here

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After a few hours passed, the bell rang for our first break. Usually me and Applejack go grab our snacks together but.. She wont even talk nor look at me during class.

Because I dint have a lot of fiends in class, I just ran out of the room to find Fluttershy's classroom.

As soon I made it to her class, my eyes widened in shock when I saw their room was completely empty. I guess her class was dismissed first..

I just sighed in disappointment, knowing that I have no choice but to eat my recess by myself. I hate being alone.. That's why I always had Applejack by my side, but I messed up my chance..

When I started to make my way to the cafeteria, I noticed that the boys who bullied me before was blocking the way.

Rd: "Oh F*cking Celestia.." I muttered to myself, forming both my hands into fists.

Once again, I had no choice but to walk past them without making any eye contact. So I took a deep breath before slightly bowing my head, walking casually afterwards.

"Hey isn't that the lesbian kid?"

Well Crap..

I immediately looked back as soon I heard someone insult me. It was that jackass named Bulk biceps. How the hell did he even noticed me?!

"It is her! Heya Dwarf!" The boy teased while messing around my hair.

Rd: "Hey back off dude!" I growled back after pushing him away.

"Aww she's so adorable when she fights back!"

Rd: "How did you even found me?!"

"We recognized that weird Rainbow hair.."

"Is the cowgirl here?" The other boy asked with slight nervousness in his voice.

After the 3 jocks looked around, they immediately grabbed my collar and pulled me to a private space outside where no one can see us.

Rd: "What the f*ck!?"

"Were just making sure that your girlfriend isn't here, shortie."

Rd:"Are you scared of her? Danm you 3 are really cowards!" I laughed but it wasn't long till I was cut off.

Bulk quickly slammed his fist onto my stomach, making me gasp in pain while his 2 friends laugh at me.

"You think your so tough and cool huh?" He started, slamming another punch on my stomach again. "Were not done yet."

"Your so weak, you only depend on your girlfriend to save you."

Rd: "Ack! S-shut up! I dont need that son of a b*tch!"

"If you don't need her, then fight back, idiot."

Rd: "But this is literally a 3v1 situation! This is so freaking unfair!"

"Then fight us one by one, shortie. And prove to us that you dont need your girlfriend to save-"

"She's not my girlfriend goddammit! I ain't a lesbian!" I growled back in pure anger as I delivered a quick punch to the blue haired boy.

Anger completely over thrown my body at the time, making me do stupid things without me realizing it. But when I looked up, I realized that he was just laughing with his friends. Am I really this weak?

"Oh wait am I supposed to be affected by that weak puch? Hold on let me repeat, 'OUCH IT HURTS SO BAD!" He teased back with a loud laugh afterwards.

Rd: "S-shut up! I can defend myself without the goddamn cowgirl's help!"

"Aww is the little dwarf gonna cry?"

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