Chapter 38: Remedy

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"I want a divorce, its over!"

I just stood there, still in shock as my parents quickly turned their attention to me as soon I opened the door. But what bother me the most is when I noticed my mom had several bruises all over her arms.

My mom has tears in her eyes while she continued to back away from my father. Bow on the other hand had obvious anger in his face, both his hands were formed into a fist and the other has a belt rolles around it.

Both of them were shocked to see me, making them speechless as they watch my tears freely flow down my face. Before my mom could even approach me, I formed my hands to a fist and walked up to my idiotic father.

Ww: "Rainbow its not wha-" I ignored her, pushing her away to face my dad.

Even though my mom keep pulling me away, I kept on pushing her as my anger completely overthrown my body, making me forget my thoughts about Applejack.

Rd: "What the hell is going on over here?!"

Bh: "W-where have you been Dash?" He asked in a angry tone in his voice.

Rd: "Training camp, why ask if you don't care about me huh?"

Bh: "Don't talk to your father like that, Dash."

Rd: "You were never a father to me Bow.. Now what the hell are you doing to my mom?!" I growled back.

Bh: "What the f*ck do you mean? Are you saying Im not good enough?" He yelled back while tightening his grip on his leather belt.

Rd: "Y-yeah.. Yeah your not good enough! You've been a father to both me and scootaloo and you treat my mother like some kind of side chick!"

Bh: "Do you know how hard I work everyday just to put food in this table, to feed and give a home to all of you?! And now my own daughter is against me? What a f*cking disappointment."

Rd: "I.. You're lying! This is the same bullsh*t you tell us whenever you get home late and drunk! Just admit it, you've been cheating on my mom!"

Ww: "R-Rainbow stop it!"

My father was just speechless, bowing his head after throwing the empty beer can to the stairs, making me gasp in shock as I watched it flew across the room.

But when I saw my little sister watching us from upstairs, I realized the fact that I just stood up against.. My own father.

With my mind full of anger and malicious thoughts, I quickly ignored it and faced my father once again right in his angered eyes.

Bh: "I never raised you to be an asshole Rainbow, who taught you this?" He started before looking back to my mother. "Did she do this?"

Rd: "W-what? No leave my mom al- ACK!" I screamed in slight pain as my father pushed me to the side, sending me to tumble on the ground.

He then approached my mother and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her closer to his face which made my mom even more terrified.

Bh: "What did you do to Rainbow, what did you do to my daughter?!"

Ww: "B-bow.. Please stop this!" My mom cried in tears while she tried to push Bow away.

Bh: "First you cheated on me with that Rainbow Blaze guy and now you corrupted my daughter with your foolishness!"

Rd: "W-what..?" I muttered to myself in pure shock.

I can't believe this, after all this time I thought my dad was the one breaking this family apart, but now its my mother. How didnt I know this?!

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