Chapter 53: The bet

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"If I loose, you keep your title and I'll.. STOP PLAYING VOLLEYBALL, FOREVER!"

My team were still in shock now that I have told them my part of the bet. Their eyes were all widened, jaws were dropped but all stayed silent.

Sunset on the other hand gasp at the mentioned bet, looking around the rest of my team then back to me.

I just stood there, holding in my fear of facing one of the person I admire the most as I put up a serious look to show them all.

Seeing their reaction really made this anxious feeling worsen inside of me. Heck, they might be thinking that Im gonna loose against Sunset. But I can still try.

Now that the tension and atmosphere around us completely changed, I knew that I couldn't back out anymore. I need to face her, its now or never!

Aside from my team still shocked as they continued watching me and Sunset have a face off, Applejack and Fluttershy were also shocked, but they're really shock compared to the others.

Pinkie and Rarity on the other hand smiled and gave each other high fives, looking back at me afterwards.

This might seem risky especially that I bet my favorite sport on the line. I just hope its enough to challenge Sunset's title.

I know, its dumb for me to challenge her. But after what happened in the past: all the drama between me and my team, family problems and me and Applejack's problems.. They all made me stronger.

And now, Im confident that I can take our Ace down to take her title. I know I can beat her, it all starts here.

If I want to be the official Ace of Equestria, I first need to be the Ace in this school. Aside from being the secret weapon of CHS or known as the freak duo title, I need to get another title from Sunset.

After a few minutes of this mad tension, Sunset finally broke the silence but laughing, bowing her head down to hide her amused expression.

Ss: "You serious?"

Rd: "I am.." I started, turning to Twilight who was blocking my way. "Is my bet good enough for the title, Twilight?"

Ts: "It is but.." She replied, placing both her hands on my shoulders to face me. "A-are you sure?"

I just sighed and gently slapped her hand away before walking up closer to our captain.

Rd: "Do we got a deal?" I asked confidently, offering her a handshake.

Sunset just stepped back, glancing around our shock friends who were staring at us. Finally, a small smile went up her face as she finally accepted it.

If I want to be the next Ace of Equestria, I first have to go through her, then against Crystal Prep, Manehattan then Cloudsdale!

I'll soon face Spitfire and be the next Ace. Im not giving up yet, I know I can win with Applejack beside me!

After another few seconds, Sunset spoke up and smiled at me then to all of my teammates.

Ss: "We got a deal, Dash."

Rd: "G-good.."

Ss: "But do you realize the consequences of this? If you loose, you swore to never play Volleyball for the rest of your life which means.. You'll be kicked out of the club."

Rd: "I do understand, and I accept it.."

Ts: "But Rainbow.. If you loose, you can never play again! Not to mention that your dreams of playing in Nationals and becoming the Ace will never happen!"

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now