Chapter 55: End the first set

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After a few minutes passed, the first set is almost in its end with the score of 23 in Sunset's team and 16 for me and Applejack.

We were all now panting as sweat slowly dripped down my, all were running out of stamina but our focus were still high.

This match has been the most brutal game I ever played in my life since this matchup has only duo as pairs, making all of us to move and connect the ball.

There's no time to rest nor be out of sight, as soon the second you lost your focus, Sunset will immediately strike with another powerful blow.

The tensions are high, the stakes are even deadlier.. But just seeing and witnessing this match go for a few minutes, something in me knew that I made a mistake.

Luckily me and Applejack was able to counter back with our freak duo fast attack. Since that was our only attack, Twilight was able to analyzed it throughout the match.

But whenever my attacks get stopped by her Block's, this painful feeling kept rising in my chest. Being blocked was one of my fears and now.. Im facing on of Equestria's ranked Middle Blockers, Twilight.

We may consider her as the perverted egghead mother of the club alongside her girlfriend but whenever she gets serious during a game.. She's always becomes scarier.

Its true that they got into their 20's first but me and Applejack are just a few points behind. If we just make an epic comeback, we might just win this set.

Her Skill wasn't equal to mine, she's much more superior to me. Comparing my strength from hers, Its obvious that I have bo match for her.

But with Applejack on my side.. We can counter them where they least expected it. But those duo were too strong against us.

Rd: "A-Applejack!" I yelled out as I took a few steps backwards to prepare my momentum.

While the ball slowly fall into Applejack's fingertips, I noticed that Twilight and Sunset were running to my line, preparing their blocking stance afterwards.

I knew it, that perverted egghead figured out that I was gonna spike the ball from outside, I can't change my course now.. Im running out of stamina to run.

With my quick instincts, I had no choice but to run after the ball up in the air as adrenaline rushed throughout my body.

Rd: "Take.." I started before jumping into the air. "THIS!" I yelled out of rage as soon I slammed the ball with my right hand.

I then saw a 2 man block by Sunset and Twilight in front of me, causing the ball go back upwards in our lane.

Aj: "Rainbow you D-dumbass! You knew they're gonna block you! Change your freaking course!" Applejack shouted after she received the ball.


Aj: "Tsk, set to me!" The cowgirl yelled, taking a few steps backwards.

Rd; "Excuse me, WHAT?!"

Aj: "Just toss the ball to me, Dash!"

With thousands of hesitations, I quickly did an up toss towards her direction.

With all the practices with my tosses back at home, I managed to react to the ball before it hits my face again.

Rd: "This perfect timing, this angle, ITS PERFECT!" I thought to myself before slightly jumping up to toss the ball towards Aj.

But as soon I saw her jump high to connect the ball, my eyes quickly went wide at the sight.

I never knew she could do an attack, I thought setters were only good at setting the ball for their teammates, but Applejack manage to do it.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now