Chapter 43: Her confession

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"Applejack did hurt you in the past but.. I won't."

My eyes were still wide as Fluttershy continued to kiss me in a shy yet passionate way which made my cheeks turn red even more.

Feeling her smooth lips on mine.. Actually feels great. But this feels so wrong yet so good at the same time but my thoughts didn't stop me from pushing her away.

Rd: "S-shy.. What the hell..?" I asked in a shock tone, stuttering.

Fs: "I.. Im so sorry Dashie, Im so sorry!" She cried out of nervousness afted covering her mouth with her hands.

Rd: "Why..?"

Fs: "Sorry Rainbow.. I just wanted to do that for a very long time now and.. I just thought this is the right time."

Rd: "W-what do you mean 'long time?' I asked, still surprised as heck.

Fs: "Well you see.." She started before facing her me right in the eyes again. "I.. Like you Dashie, since our 6th grade."

I was just speechless and shock now that my friend.. Confessed. I can't believe this. Both of our cheeks were reddened as we continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Rd: "A-as a friend?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.

Fs: "No.. Even more. Why would I kiss you like that If I just like you as a friend?"

Rd: "Fluttershy.."

Fs: "Im so sorry for kissing you like that Dashie, I just thought now that you and Applejack are-"

While the shy light pink haired teen kept on appoligized.. something in me just..


Without hesitation and thinking properly, I immediately pulled Fluttershy into another kiss cutting her off from talking to make her gasp.

I know this seems wrong but.. I missed doing this with Applejack. But since weren't a couple anymore, its worth another shot to try it with Fluttershy.

My thoughts and emotions has now completely overtaken my body and its making me do things without properly thinking about it.

Fluttershy on the other hand was still in shock when I pulled her back for a kiss. But seconds later, she finally kissed back while placing both her hands around me.

Rd: "Crap.. Rainbow what are you dong? What Am I doing?!" I thought to myself as I shed single tear in my eye.

After I pulled away from the kiss to regain my breath, I faced Fluttershy in her cyan eyes, cupping her cheeks afterwards.

Rd: "Its okay.." I said with a weak smile.

Fs: "Y-you like me back?"

Rd: "I.. I dont know, something just came over me and.. F*ck!" I yelled the last part as my mind recalled all of my problems.

Im supposed to be loyal to Applejack but I just broke up with her! And now Im suddenly kissing my best friend.. What the hell is wrong with me?

Fs: "D-dashie, you okay?"

Rd: "Yeah- no.. I don't know anymore Shy.. But this thing between us is happening to fast."

Fs: "But you kissed me back.."

Rd: "I know but when you kissed me back there.. I kinda remembered Applejack." I explained, wiping the newly form tears in my eyes after.

Fs: "Maybe this will calm you down.." She replied in a flirtatious tone before gently grabbing my shirt. "Can w-we?"

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