Chapter 34: The Iron wall

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After me and the girls wore our gym bras and short shorts, we were tasked by our coach to follow him to another location near the camp.

Me and Applejack were still racing towards there, as usual. The other upperclassmen on the other hand were teasing us nonstop since Applejack told them the truth.

It was kinda nice when the girls accepted me and Applejack for being lesbians but Fluttershy and Coloratura just stayed silent the whole time, I wonder why?

Aj: "Danm dont you have any abs like me?" The cowgirl teased while messing with my hair.

Rd: " Nope. "

Aj: "Why not? Want me to help you get fit?"

Rd: "Hell nah. People told me if I get muscular I'll never grow again."

Aj: "Nah that ain't true. Look at me, Im hot, muscular, and taller than you."

Rd: "I'll grow much bigger than you someday dumbass!"

Aj: "When? In a 100 years I guess." She laughed back after crossing her arms.

Rd: "You jerk!"

"AAAWWWW!" The girls cheered from behind us which got Coach Armor's attention.

Sa: "What's all the screaming back there?"

Rd: "N-nothing coach!"

Ts: "We were just excited for the match big brother!" Twilight nervously lied.

Sa: "Right.. Me and Flash already discussed our game plans for today, be sure to practice before we start."

R: "Uhm Coach.. One question, why are we dressed like this and not our normal jerseys?"

Sa: "You'll find out soon, Rarity."

When we finally made it to the side, our eyes immediately widened in amazement as soon we realized were about to play-

Rd: "Beach volleyball?!"

Sa: "Yup, surprise."

Ss: "Awesome! Where's our opponents?"

Sa: "They're not here yet cause were too early. For the mean time, I need to discuss today's game plans to all of you, lets go." He lastly said before placing his gym bag down the bench.

After we all gathered up in a circle, Flash handed us the volleyball club's official jacket so we cant get cold as the sun slowly rise up in the distance.

Sa: "After a few hours of research and studying, me and Flash successfully made the game plan against manehattan high who are know for their defensive block, know as the Iron wall of Equestria."

Rd: "So what? They may sound scary but we actually met them in person as soon we got here in camp, their a bunch of idiots except for that girl named Sweetie drops-"

Pp: Yeah those city assholes were a pain in the ass!"

Ts: "Pinkie language!"

Pp: "Relax Twi, Rainbow and Applejack are way younger than me but they curse all the time!"

Sa: "Hold up! You met Sweetie drops, Rainbow?"

Rd: "Yeah she seems pretty nice compared to the rest of her team, why? You sound shock coach."

Sa: "I am, did you know Sweetie drops was second in line to becoming the next Ace?"

Rd: "W-what..? Bro.. But she looks so-"

Aj: "Weak?"

Rd: "Yeah, stop interrupting me giraffe!"

Aj: "You must be thanking me you freaking shrimp!"

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