Chapter 32: Deceleration of war

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*The video added is only a representation on what Rainbow did later on in this chapter ❤

Aj: "Right well.. Wanna do the 3rd part?"

I immediately pushed her away in a playful way as my cheeks blushed even more. The cowgirl on the other hand kept on laughing while looking into my eyes.

This seems so wrong for me, I came here to play volleyball but I instead fell in love with the same scary jackass from the tournament last year.

Yet it feels safe whenever Im in her arms, she may not be the best at this whole flirting thing since she repeatedly beat me up at times, called me weak, and yeeted me off whenever I get ahead of her in a race.

But still, I somehow can't resist her.

Rd: "N-now..?" I nervously asked,
looking into her shining emerald eyes after.

Aj: "Yeah.. Now." She answered while grabbing my waist to pull me for another kiss.

Both of our bodies started to heat up as soon I felt the warm and comfort of hers. But when we both heard a door open at the back, I quickly pulled away from the kiss and turned around, only to see my one and only idol.

Sf: "Hey kid, wanna practice with us?" She happily yelled while running towards us.

Rd: "Spitfir-" I was cut off when Applejack covered my way with her arm.

Aj: "So.. You're the Ace." The cowgirl interrupted with her usually freaky yet threatening grin.

Sf: "And you are? I forgot your name, cowgirl." Spitfire asked, a sudden changed in her tone.

Aj:" Im Applejack from Canterlot high."

Sf: "Applejack.. From Crystal prep last year?"

Aj: "Yeah.. I applied to Cloudsdale high but dint make the cut."

Rd: "You did what?!"

Aj: "Shut it."

S: "Just as I thought, I remember seeing your middle school matches. We dont need a setter who cant serve the ace at the school."

Rd: "Hm.. You dont look like the type of girl to serve someone!" I teased, holding my laughter from bursting out.

Aj: "Huh?! Shut up skittles hair!"

Rd: "No, but doesn't like the infamous setter from equestria like that too? She then went on to become the best in the game."

Aj: "What does that have to do with Trixie?"

Sf: "Trixie.. She's an excellent player, she should have join us."

Aj: "Are you saying that a dumbass like her would've been able to serve you?"

Sf: "No matter which team she's on, she can unlock her team's greatest potential. Even if the team is mediocre. As long as she has potential, she'll bring oit their very best."

"A sapling needs excellent soil to grow strong, barren land cant yield quality produce." She added as the wind brushed her fire streaked hair.

Rd: "W-what do you mean by barren land?"

Sf: "Im taking about Crystal prep Academy, besides trixie, they're all weak."

Rd: "Weak..?" I gasped in shock.

Knowing that Crystal Prep Academy has been in the volleyball team's prefecture for years, for Spitfire, they are all just weak.

What happens if we face them and get wrecked in the first set? Does that means Cloudsdale's a even bigger threat to reaching nationals?

Rd: "If Crystal prep is a baren land, then that makes us some kind of of concrete, right?" I asked witg a freaky but serious look, slightly scaring the Ace.

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