Chapter 19: A bigger threat

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A few hours passed and the match if finally over. Our team eventually won with the score of 25-23 against Sunset's team.

So I immediately collapsed on the ground in exhaustion because the two idiotic setters threw me tons of tosses.

At first I thought it was finally over when Applejack tossed Rarity a spike but I was wrong. Fluttershy kept on throwing me the freaking ball for some reason while Applejack did the same.

I dont know why but it seems like they're competing for the most tosses to me.

I was sweating and panting so much at the time while my whole body hurts so bad. Sunset and the other upperclassmen eventually laughed at me but I know they mean no harm.

Suddenly, Fluttershy approached me while holding a water bottle and my face towel in her hands.

Fs: "Here you go Dashie! Great game today." Fluttershy smiled.

Rd: "T-thanks Shy.. Im so tired."

Fs: "But you did great!" She replied with a soft laugh as she sat next to me.

Rd: "I know Flutters, I know. But why did you only tossed to me? Im not the only wing-spiker ya know?"

Fs: "I know but I missed playing and tossing the balls to you!"

Rd: "Aww you haven't changed a bit since preschool Shy." I laughed, cupping her cheeks with my hand which made her blush really hard.

Fs: "Y-you too.." She nervously replied as she looked away from me to avoid her reddened face.

Rd: "Hey can I ask you something?" I asked while pulling my arm back and faced at the ceiling.

Fs: "Huh? S-sure."

Rd: "Why does it feels like you and Applejack are competing? You two kept tossing to me after one of you does it.."

Fs: "I- I dont know what your talking about Dashie.. I only kept tossing you the ball because I know you can win."

Rd: "At least you think that.. Thanks Shy." I lastly said before seating back up, wiping my sweat with my face towel afterwards.

Fluttershy kept on staring at me, again. So I just giggled nervously as I stood up to go back to my gym bag to get my spare shirt.

But as soon I opened the zipper, I noticed a box at the bottom. When I got it, I saw it was a chocolate milk box.. The same brand that Applejack bought the other day.

I then immediately looked at Applejack who was staring at me secretly, but when our eyes met for seconds.. We quickly looked away.

But I noticed something, as soon I went over her to get my shirt, she was looking at me. Did she placed this in my bag? No.. She doesn't do that..

I just shook all my thoughts away, placing the milk back in my bag before running back to our captain.

Sunset was now signing the 4 new girl's club applications because they passed the practice match. I placed my arm around my shy friend to congratulate her.

Rd: "Welcome new Wonderbolt, Gilda's gonna kick your ass if she knew this." I joked.

Fs: 'Oh she already know it. I bid my farewells to our old team before I transfered here."

Rd: "Well did they get mad at you?"

Fs: "Only Gilda. Im just happy that Im playing with you right now."

Rd: "Im happy too Fluttershy, at least your a setter who knows I have POTENTIAL." I yelled the last part to let Applejack hear it.

Applejack dint look very happy at all by the way, she was continuously staring at me and giving Fluttershy a threatening look from time to time.

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