Chapter 6: Practice match

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As soon I stepped inside the court, my excitement rises knowing that Im playing against the 3rd years who went to nationals once. Applejack on the other hand, kept on looking at me from time passes.

Ss: "Let's go!" Sunset yelled, throwing the ball upwards and slamming it towards Rarity.

Rarity immediately received it, passing the ball to Applejack for her to set. Aj grinned before jumping and tossing the ball.

Rd: "Give it to me!" I yelled as I take a few steps back and jumping at the right time to match the ball.

But my eyes widened when I realized that Aj tossed the ball for Rarity, leading her to slam the ball to the other team and scoring us a point.

As soon I got back to the floor, I gave Applejack a mad look which she ignored. When it was Rarity's turn to serve, We heard the door open so we all turned our attention to a blue haired boy.

"FLASH SENTRY-SAN!!!" Two girls squealed in joy. I looked to my right and saw Twilight and Sunset running towards him with open arms.

But Flash chuckled softly before dodging both of the fan girls which leads them to fly and tumble outside.

Rd: "W-what?! Are they fine?!" I asked Rarity in shock, she giggled and patted my rainbow hair.

R: "Its normal darling, those two has a thing for Flash but we all take it as a joke."

Rd: "So they aren't hurt when they literally flew outside?"

R: "Certainly not darling, this is their 314th time flying outside from trying to get near Flash." Rarity laughed.

Aj: "Who is he anyway?" Applejack asked.

R: "He's Flash Sentry, a 3rd year and Wonderbolts' volleyball manager. He usually helps us train with our former coach but he sadly retired a month ago.

Rd: "Ohh~ then what is he doing here?"

Pp: "He's probably gonna watch our practice match!" Pinkie pie yelled while sneaking behind Applejack which made the cowgirl jump and scream in shock.

Aj: "Can ya'll not do that!?"

Pp: "Oops! Sorry- .. Applejack right?"

Aj: "Yeah.. "

Pp: "Well then Applejuice, im Pinkie pie!" Pinkie happily introduced herself while offering a hand shake.

Applejack just laughed awkwardly before accepting our libero's hand shake. When then turned our attention to the guy named Flash Sentry when we noticed his walking towards us.

Fs: "Hey Rarity, Pinkie. Who is this tiny one?" Flash greeted but when he asked who I was, he kneeled down and patted my hair like I was some kind of kid.

R: "That is Rainbow Dash, a 1st year wing- spiker."

Fs: "1st year? But she looks like 7 years old and its absolutely adorable!" The blue haired athlete teased as he pinched my cheeks.

Rd: "Okey thats it I had enough.." I thought to myself before delivering my right foot into his 'oh so delicate part which was located between his thighs', making him gasp in shock shock and falling to ground.

The girls behind me were just shocked while Twilight and Sunset charged at me with angered look while yelling my name but I immediately dodged them which made them tumble on the floor, Again. Me on the other hand, just shrugged before returning back to my position.

R: "Dang she's a savage." Rarity laughed, glancing at Flash getting back to his feet.

Fs: "Classic first year's move.. I like her." Flash Chuckled in pain, still holding his delicate part.

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