Chapter 27: Greed

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After me and my team finished buying some snacks, we returned to the buss to continue the long drive to the training camp site. I eventually bought the chocolate drink since Applejack forced me to.

When we sat back down on our seats, I noticed that Aj only had a water bottle in her hand, didnt she buy anything else?

I thought she was going to buy herself a soda? Did she loose her money or something? Wait.. Why the f*ck do I care about her?

I just shook my thoughts away as I plugged in the earphones on my phone again to continue listening to my music on the way.

It was currently 6:30 am so I decided to take another nap since we still have a few more hours till we make it their.

Rd: "I thought you were gonna buy a soda?" I asked, still looking at my phone.

Aj: "I was but.. Coloratura over there took it first."

Rd: "And you let her? Geez I thought you were some kind of bad girl and now you have a soft side."

Aj: "I changed when I met you jackass.."

Rd: "Oh.. So what did you bought then? Only water?"

Aj: "Eeyup, why are you asking? Its like you like me or something?" The asshole teased with a grin.

Rd: "S-screw you."

Aj: "Screw you too dickhead." She laughed back, returning to her phone afterwards.

After Coach Armor finally returned to the buss, he did a roll call of all of the team members before starting the buss.

Sa: " Is everyone back here?"

Ss: "Yes coach." Our captain replied as she gets comfortable in her seat with Twilight in her arms.

Those two looks like they've been dating for a while, I wonder if I can ask them both for tips about me and Applejack..

I sighed after watching the two lovers share this moment, they looks so happy even though they're both girls.. I wish I can have a relationship like theirs.

I just fixed myself to be comfortable in my seat while Applejack just watched the other cars passed by in the window. After I got my comfortable position, my eyes started to close from tiredness again and minutes later, I fell asleep.
After a few hours passed, I was awaken when I heard someone calling my name so I slowly opened my eyes and saw it was Applejack.

Aj: "Were here jackass." She mumbled as her cheeks turns red which made me confused.

Rd: "W-why are you blushing?" I asked.

Not long after, I quickly realized that I was cuddling at her without me knowing. So I immediately pulled away and grabbed my bag from the ground.

Rd: "What the hell? Were you hugging me?!" I asked in a nervous tone.

Aj: "No way! You hugged me when you were asleep!"

Rd: "And you let me?! Why dint you just push me away, idiot!"

Aj: "I dint wanna wake you up!"


Applejack quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of the buss while I just stood there, ashamed and embarrassed. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me to look back.

R: "You okay darling?"

Rd: "Yeah.. Im okay Rarity."

R: "I see you and Aj haven't gotten along yet, want me to help?" She asked with a warm smile.

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