Chapter 14: What's love?

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"W-why?" I asked the cowgirl in confusion, making her blush for some reason.

Aj: "Im just gonna drop you off dumbass! What? you dont want? Fine." She nervously replied before walking away at the last word.

Rd: "No wait!" I started, grabbing her arm which made her look back into my eyes. "Sure.. It gets so lonely while walking." I added with a cute smile.

Aj: "You baby.. Lets go then." She replied with a grin while walking ahead of me to avoid showing her red face.

I just stood there while I can feel my cheeks burning. Why the hell did I just do that?! I should have denied her. Danm, The strange feeling came back to me.

"Hey dumbass ya coming or what?"

Rd: "Hold on geez!" I quickly yelled back, getting my bag on the floor and bidding my goodbyes to the upperclassmen.

Aj: 'You walk so slow. " the cowgirl teased once again.

Rd: "Screw you at least im not a giraffe like you!" I growled as I stuck out my tongue afterwards.

Aj: " Well at least im not a freaking shrimp like you!"

Rd: "I- touché cowgirl.."

Aj: "Whatever, which way is your house?" She asked.

Rd: "Over there, want me to buy you a drink? Were passing a mini-strore on the way?"

Aj: "S-sure.."

As me and cowgirl walked towards the store, complete awkward silence is all I hear. Even though I tried to talk to her sometimes, she always ignore me which making me feel weird inside.

As soon we stepped inside the store, we immediately went in separate ways.

Rd: "Danm it Dash.. Get yourself together.." I mumbled to myself as I took a box of milk in the shelf.

Suddenly, I saw a hand getting the same exact milk, causing our hands to touch, when I looked back at the person, my eyes widened in shock when I saw Applejack.. Goddammit!

Rd: "I- You.. Uh.. You can have it!" I immediately yelled as my cheeks blushed like crazy!

Aj: 'I- i dint see you there.. Cause your too tiny ya know?" She replied with nervousness in her voice.

Rd: "Why is your cheeks red?"

Aj: "I- its nothing you dumbass! Just get your milk." She growled, looking away to hide her face.

Rd: "But its the last one.."

Aj: "Yeah so? You can have it. " she lastly said before walking away.

I just took the milk from the shelves as I secretly glance at Applejack at the distance.

What is this feeling?

At first I was confused why is the cowgirl blushing and why am I doing the same? Even if try to shake my thoughts away, I cant seem to get rid of Aj in my mind..

Rd: "Focus.. Goddammit!" I thought to myself, slapping my face with both my hands to make me return to reality.

I then walked towards the cowgirl to ask her what did she get so I can pay for it.

Rd: "What did you get?"

Aj: "chocolate milk."

Rd: "Whaaat!? I dint know they have in stock."

Aj: "Well too bad cause its the last one, and its mine now.' She replied with a teasing look.

Rd: "Wanna trade?" I asked with a smile while showing her the plain milk.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now