Chapter 25: Truth

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After Fluttershy made me calm, she placed her arm around me to make me feel better. I just smiled weakly before taking a deep breath and decided..

Its been minutes since Applejack walked out after insulting me, leaving me alone and in tears. Luckily, Fluttershy found me and stayed by my side to comfort me.

Rd: "I.. I need to ask you something, Shy."

Fs: "What is it Dashie?"

Well, here goes nothing. Surely Fluttershy would understand my confusing sexuality.. She's my childhood best friend after all, she would never leave me.. Right?

Rd: "Is it wrong to love another girl like me?"

At first Fluttershy was somehow happy when I asked that, but when I looked back at her eyes, she immediately looked away.

Fs: "No, no Dashie! There's nothing wrong about it.. Why did you ask?"

Rd: "Cause.. I need to confess something to you."

For some unknown reasons, Fluttershy's cheeks quickly reddened as a irresistible smile went up to her face. Even though she tried her best to hide it, she terribly failed.

Fs: "W-what is it Dashie?" She asked with a nervous tone in her voice.

Rd: "I like someone Shy, but I can't tell her how I feel because Im too weak." I cried after bowing my head to look at my feet that cant even reach the floor because I lack height.

Fs: "Well Im always here.. You can tell me." She answered after moving closer to me.

Rd: "You sure? You accept me for being.. Gay?"

Fs: "Of course I do! To be honest.. Im bisexual.."

Rd: "Your what?! How are you only telling me now?!"

Fs: "I had to keep it a secret Dashie, I've been waiting for the right time to tell yo- I mean HER but Im too scared."

Rd: "Heh, you and me both. Who do you like?" I asked with a weak smile, wiping away my tears afterwards.

Fs: "She's my best friend but enough about me! Who is the girl you like? "

Rd: "Promise not to freak out and tell anyone about this?"

Fs: "I- I promise.."

I then took one last deep breath before looking back into Fluttershy's eyes. I noticed she was still smiling in excitement, I guess she really wants to know the truth about Aj..

Rd: "Fluttershy.. I like Applejack, more as a friend.."

As soon I finally admitted it, I saw Fluttershy's expression slowly changed. Her smile was no longer there and her eyes were about to tear up.

Rd: "Woah, y-you okay Shy?" I asked confused.

Fs: "Y-yes, of course!" She nervously stated while looking away. "But.. Why? I thought you two fought since the tournament last year?" She continued with a broken voice.

I giggled softly, not knowing what's wrong with my light Pink haired friend but I just thought that she might be so happy for me.

Rd: "That's what I thought too at first, but when she tossed to me the very first time, I felt a spark that I haven't felt before. You know me, I usually dont pay attention to any of these love interest back at elementary school so.. Im feeling quite confused with my feelings right now."

Fs: "But she hates you right..?"

Rd: "She hates me now because I did something stupid, and I hate her right now too but.. I cant stop admiring her from afar. Her confidence, her skill, her strength.. I envied her, Shy.."

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