Chapter 42: Rebuilding my passion

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*5 days to go before qualifying matches

A day has passed since all the drama that happened about my team and my family.. But I somehow recovered from it after a few hours of practicing my receives..

Sure I get angry once in a while whenever I see my mom around the house but I couldn't never stay angry at her.. His boyfriend on the other stayed in my Father's room for the night which was so uncomfortable for me and Scootaloo.

Since we didnt have any classes today, I decided to practice in our backyard with my sister to ready for the big competition.

S: "Uhh why am I still tossing the ball to you? You couldn't even connect them!" My idiotic sister complained.

Rd: "Its because you wont toss it high enough!"

S: "How's this for high enough?" She teased before throwing the ball directly to my face, causing me to gasp in slight pain. "Woops, I guess that was too slow."

Rd: "You freaking tiny dwarf!" I yelled back, grabbing her shirt to pull her into a tight hug.

Ss: "Ah! You're weird you know that right?"

Rd: "Y-yeah.. Why?"

S: "Its like.. You were breaking out in tears last night and now your.. Happy all of a sudden?"

Rd: "Well.. You should know by now that your cool sister's remedy is Volleyball.."

S: "Who is sister? Who are you talking about?" She teased, sticking out her tongue after.

Rd: "Who's your only sister dumbass? Of course Im talking about me!"

S: "Ohh I didn't know that."

Rd: "Oh shut up and toss to me already, I have to get ready to face her."

S: "Face who? Your mom?"

Rd: "im gonna freaking yeet you off this backyard if you don't stop."

S: "No I'm actually serious, who are you gonna face? Is it that cowgirl girlfriend of yours?"

Rd: "Goddammit I told you not to mention her anymore.. And no its not her.. We broke up yesterday.."

S: "But you don't seem sad about it." She chuckled while picking the ball from the ground.

Rd: "Bro.. Have you seen me rage out last night?"

S: "Nah but I heard you yelling and cursing from my room.. Luckily mom and coach didnt didnt hear you because they were too busy.. What is that thing called again? Where the man puts his peni-"

Rd: "OKAY, OKAY I GET IT.." I immediately interrupted while covering my sister's mouth to stop her from finishing. "Ahem.. You dont have to know about that.."

S: "Why? Is that bad?"

Rd: "Well.. Yes. Especially in mom's case.." I started, placing my hand on her shoulder. "Is this crap okay with you though?"

S: "What crap?"

Rd: "Its just that.. Aren't you getting mad at mom for cheating at our dad? She literally broke this family apart.."

S: "What do you mean she broke this family apart? Were still here as a family but dad isnt anymore. Besides, if my coach makes my mom happy then.. Im happy too."

Rd: "How long have they been seeing each other?"

S: "Probably for about 7 months or so."

Rd: "Crap.. And you knew about this and didnt told me?"

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