Chapter 13: Farewell, Shy.

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"YEAH!!" My teammates yelled at the back as soon I spiked the ball into our opponent's side. A irreparable smile quickly formed in my face as I ran up to Applejack, giving her a happy look which made her scared for some reason.. As a joke of course.

Rd: "T-thanks Aj!"

The cowgirl's cheeks blushed slightly which made her look away immediately to avoid eye contact.

Aj: "I- i.. Dont thank me idiot! You just look so down so.. I threw you the ball for game reasons!" She growled back with a confident yet nervous tone.

Rd: "Nah you just tossed it to me cause you like me!" I teased with a laugh.

Aj: 'Want me to stop tossing balls to you, shrimp?" She replied in a scary and freaky way which scared the whole team.

Rd: "Uhh im sorry?"

Aj: "Whatever, this match ain't over."

Rd: "Right."

At last, I got my charisma again as I cant get this irresistible smile on my face. I don't know why I kept feeling this strange feeling everytime Aj tosses to me but i guess its just hunger.. Again?
But my smile dint last long.. As the game continues, the set has finally come to an end.

I fell to my knees, glancing at the other team celebrate their victory with the score of 25- saint's academy and 20- CHS.

Rd: "Danm.. Danm.." I kept repeating to myself with guilt and regrets.

"Hey Rainbow."

I looked up as soon I heard someone calling my name, it was Fluttershy. She was handing me a towel and a water bottle.

Fs: "Good game Dashie.. "

Rd: "Thanks.." I replied softly, getting up to my feet before taking the towel.

Fs: "You were pretty awesome out there you know?"

Rd: "You think so?" I asked with a grin while wiping the sweat in my forehead, making Fluttershy's eyes widen as her cheeks redden for some reason.

Rd: "Uh.. You okay Flutters? Your cheeks got red all of a sudden?"

Fs: "Im fine! Im fine Dashie its just.. You look pretty hot.."

Rd: "I.. Thanks I guess." I nervously replied while my cheeks blush slightly.

I dont know why Shy is acting so weird at first but.. Is she flirting with me? Im not good at this situations cause Im not interested in a love life but.. I think she's just complimenting me.

"Lets go shrimp!"

Applejack yelled while grabbing my arm, pulling me away from Fluttershy.

Rd: "Stop doing that goddammit! And where are we going?" I growled in slight anger.

Aj: "Shower room."

Rd: "WHAT?!"

Aj: "Yeah Captain said we need to shower before going home.. Same with the other idiotic team."

Rd: "W-what??"

Aj: "Ya got a problem shorty?"

Rd: "No! not at all!"

Okay I lied, I was goddamn nervous. I usually shower by myself but when there's people near me, I might get dizzy, have a nose bleed or even both from glancing at other people's body..

But hey Its just a quick shower, we will just remove our shirts, leaving our sports bra, and take a quick shower.. Easy, right?

As soon we got in, my cheeks blushed immediately as soon I saw the upperclassmen removing their shirts.

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