Chapter 5: Friends? No way!

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As soon the captain declared a practice match, my excitement rised because I get to show them my skills, Aj on the other hand was shocked but angry at the same time.

Aj: "No way im going to play with the freaking dwarf beside me."

Rd: "Hey! Screw yo-"

Ts: "Hey no fighting you two." Twilight giggled, pushing me a way from Applejack.

Ss: "You two want to join right?"

Rd: "Of course captain." I answered with a serious look.

Ss: "Thats already clear, how about you?" She asked , pointing at the cowgirl and getting her attention.

Aj: "Of course I want to join!"

Ss: "But you dont seem to be passionate about it." Sunset replied with a scary grin.

Applejack was about to talk back but she stopped for some reason. I carefully moved closer to Twilight and tugging her shirt to hint something.

I then leaned closer to her ear and asked something that confused me.

Rd: "Why did Sunset say that? She's making the cowgirl furious."

Twilight smiled back and patted my back before answering me.

Ts: "This is common for Sunset, she's just testing her.." Twilight replied with a warm smile.

I nodded 'yes' and looked back to Applejack, her head was slightly bent to avoid us from seeing her face. Eventually, she finally took a deep breath and faced Sunset.

Aj: "Of course Im passionate about it! I can bring this team into the nationals!" Applejack growled with confidence.

Sunset giggled softly and grinned before approaching Applejack and offering her a hand shake.

Ss: "Fine.. Prove it first."

Applejack chuckled while accepting Sunset's hand shake.

Aj: "I will..." She lastly said before walking towards me so the captain can decide on the teams.

After a few minutes of thinking, Sunset finally picked her team.

Ss: " Twilight, Pinkie and me. "

As soon me and Aj realized that were on the same team, we immediately shared looks in a shocked way.

Rd: "Wait.."

Aj: " I have to team up with you?!"

R: "Can you two stop fighting?!" Rarity yelled while slamming her hands on our back which made us gasp in shock.

Ss: "Its settled then, Pinkie go help Twilight get the practice uniforms at the back."

While the upperclassmen were fixing the nets, Applejack tried to approach the captain but she was to scared whenever Sunset gives her the creepy grin from before which was absolutely hilarious for me to watch.

Rd: "Stop trying to make the captain make you switch teams." I told Aj with a laugh but she immediately shot me with a threatening look.

Aj: "Shut up! You better not get in my way." She replied with a mad tone in her voice.

Rd: "Me? Get in your way? Pfff~ you need to toss me the ball remember?"

Aj: "Nah Im just gonna toss all of it to Rarity." Aj answered with a teasing smile.

Rd: "Heh?! Idiot! Im a wing- spiker too ya know?"

Aj: "Do I look like I care? Besides, I only toss the ball to the people who is capable of winning."

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