Chapter 58: Counter back!

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Tensions were high, bets were placed, it all comes to this second set.

If we loose this, Im force to say goodbye to my one and only sport, bit if somehow win this, we get to face Sunset and Twilight in the last round.

After me and Applejack managed to get out of that awkward situation, we immediately ran back to our side to wait for Flash's command.

Now that we face each other in different sides of the court, we quickly got back to our stances, still Sharing the same focused yet passionate looks.

Waiting for the ball to be thrown, I carefully examined where Twilight was located to think about my next move.

Unlike last time, This time my hopes and courage grew for this game as well with the fact I might have a chance of winning and taking that title.

I can finally trust Applejack now, her tosses, her care and the person she is.. I now feel comfortable to play with her.

Since Sunset won the first set, the ball was firstly thrown to Applejack for her to serve at the back.

F: "Apples, your up." Flash scoffed, throwing the ball to Applejack.

The cowgirl then smiled and nodded back before walking to the back, bouncing the ball on the floor multiple times afterwards.

Rd: "A-Applejack nice serve!"

Aj: "I know, dumbass."

And that exact moment, Flash suddenly blew out his whistle, making the match to continue again for its 2nd set.

Not long after the loud sound, Applejack quickly threw the ball into the air with her right hand, doing a 3-step approach to match and connect it after.

"P O W!"

The loud sound and impact of her serve was heard all over the court as the ball quickly flew into the other side.

Ts: "Sunset!" Twilight called before receiving the ball, hitting it back into the air.

As the ball flew back into the air, it slowly lost its momentum which made an opportunity for Sunset to spike.

Ss: "Got it!" Our captain yelled, taking a few steps back.

She then ran after the ball and jumped vertically, just in time to connect and slam the ball back to our base.

Rd: "Applejack!" I cried after switching positions with Applejack.

But when I noticed Twilight's eyes followed my movement, my instincts quickly rushed throughout my body, making me move without thinking properly.

Ts: "Sh*t they're gonna-"

Before Twilight could even finish talking, her eyes immediately widened as she stayed in her same position, not moving and yet so speechless.

What she didn't saw was I was already up in the air, waiting for Applejack's tosses.

And there I slammed the ball into their base without the two of them even aware of it.

Both were shocked, speechless and angered that we managed to strike and take the first point.

With Applejack's flawless tosses and my quick movements, together were unstoppable.

This is why we were given the title, "The freak duo"

As soon I got back down to the ground, I raised my hand into the air as I let out a loud cheer.


I then looked to my right and saw Applejack with a weak smile while placing her hand on the back of her head.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now