Chapter 35: Raging idiot

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The video added is only a representation of what Rainbow did later in the story ❤

He did the attack in the 0:39 second mark. :)


"I was.. Blocked?"

My eyes quickly went wide in shock when I saw a tall wall looms in front of me, causing the ball bounce back to our base.

As soon I fell back to the ground, I slowly looked up on the other side, only to see a 3 person block in front of me.

They were grinning in a sinister way while looking down at me, I can feel my excitement rising up within the moment. I wanted to break down that wall, the Iron wall.

Ss: "D-dont mind!" Sunset yelled from the back.

Ts: "We'll get the next one!"

Rd: "R-right!" I yelled back with a confident look while preparing my stance.

Because they won the last set again, the same server from before ran to the back after she was handed the ball, throwing and doing a float serve afterwards.

Since the ball was too high up, Pinkie pie immediately jumped for it and tossed the ball to our Ace instead of doing her normal receives.

As soon the ball landed to our setter's fingertips, I quickly ran to the side to somehow bait some of the blockers, knowing that Applejack will toss the ball to Rarity.

But when I noticed the other team's blocker ignored me, I changed my mind and ran behind Sunset in case her attack gets block.

Ss: "Left, left!" Our captain yelled, taking a few steps back to wait for the toss to happen.

Aj: "Sunset!" Applejack yelled back before tossing the backwards for Sunset to spike. But her toss was somehow off..

Our current Ace then ran after the ball, jumping and slamming it with her right hand after. But yet again, the same 3 blockers jumped at the same time, blocking the ball with deflected directly into my face.

Rd: "Ack!" I yelled in pain as I fell down to the sand.

Ts: "Rainbow you okay!?"

Rd: "Y-yeah! Cover!" I gasped as soon I saw the ball falling outside the court line.

Aj: "Receive with your arms not your face dumbass!"

Rd: "Screw you Im sorry okay!" I laughed, getting back to my feet.

Pp: "I got it!" The pink haired libero cheered as she saved the ball with her right feet before it could even fall to the sand.

R: "Chance ball!"

After Rarity passed the ball to Applejack, I can feel my instincts kicking in throughout my entire body. All we need to do now is Applejack to do the same.

Aj: "Rainbow Dash!"

"Well.. Thats my cue."

I then ran to right side of the court with full speed to trick the other team's blockers, quickly changing directions to ran beside Aj afterwards which made our opponents gasp in shock.

"What..? She's so fast! Get her!" Their captain yelled in shock.

As soon Applejack tossed the ball backwards to do our insane freak attack.

So I jumped vertically and slammed the ball with my right hand, making the ball go down to their base with such strong force.

I can see their priceless reaction above the net, they didnt even move fast enough to react to my fast attack.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now