Chapter 51: Captain's secret

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When a mysterious hooded woman appeared among the thick layer of fog around the park, I gasped out of slight fear as I held Applejack's shirt closer to my chest.

Her voice were familiar to me, it sounded like she's in the volleyball girl's team. But the fog was too thick for me too even clearly see her.

I just moved away from the person, thinking to myself that she might me some kind of kidnapper with a cheerful high voice.

But when she suddenly took a step forward, I immediately stood up from my seat and did a random stance, still holding the most valuable thing in my hand.

Rd: "B-back off, i know kung fu you asshole!" I yelled back, pretending to be tough.

"Woah Dashie Chill!" The girl chuckled, stepping closer to me.

My eyes slowly widened after the teen removed her raincoat's hoodie, revealing her poofy curly pink hair.

Rd: "P-pinkie pie?" I asked shockingly.

Pp: "Heya Dashie! What are you doing here?!" She greeted with a huge smile. "Oh no your all wet!"

Rd: "In a sexual way or.. Oh okay you meant my clothes, yeah. But I could ask you the same question, Pinks." I replied while reaching out my hand to do our fist bump

Pp: "I was supposed to be in my way home from today's practice but this huge storm wooshed into my way!"

Rd: 'Uhuh.. I can see that. " I answered while nodding my head to act like I understand her.

Pp: "Then it suddenly became stronger so I decided to stay put for a while to wait for it to stop, and now I found you here in the park, alone and crying!"

Rd: "W-what? No Im not crying." I started, wiping away the tears in my face. "Im not, promise." 

Pp:" Your lying.. You okay, what happened to you?" She worriedly asked before closing her umbrella, seating next to me after. "You lost? Want me to take you home?'

Rd:" What? N-no Im not, Pinkie. Im fine."

Pp:" But what are you doing here alone? I haven't seen you for days!"

Rd:" I just visited some one important.. Its none of your business."

She suddenly leaned closer and wiped my tears away while doing that huge yet sincere smile of hers.

Pp: "And Im guessing its Applejack?"She grinned, arching an eyebrow at me.

Rd:" W-what.. No, its not her- I mean.." I stopped talking when I noticed she was giving me another look. "How.. did you know?"

Pp:" Its my Pinkie senses! But enough about that, is she the reason why your all alone, miserable crying like a kid who lost her ice cream!"

Rd:" I.. You can say that." I started, looking back into her eyes and smiled weakly. "How are you dude? I kinda missed you."

Pp:" Awww I missed you too Dashie! I've been so worried for you and Applejack.. and even Fluttershy because she's acting weird.

Rd:" Don't be, how's the our- I mean your team's doing? I bet they're having fun practicing for the prefecture qualifying matches this week."

Pp:" Honestly.. the club has really changed since you left."

Rd:" Heh what do you mean? Im just a useless team player remember? So all of you are gonna act dumb now just because the freak duo thing is gone?"

Pp:" Dashie.. If this is about Sunset I-"

Rd:" No its not, can we just.. Talk about something else?" I asked after looking back to the almost flooded ground.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now