Chapter 28: She who called is "Ace"

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I cant believe it.. The Ace is literally in front of me. I just froze in the moment as the Ace reached her hand out for me, smiling afterwards.

She was wearing the same black jersey back in my dreams, her height really increased compared to their match last year, she looks awesome in personal.

It took me a few seconds before accepting the Legend's hand, knowing the fact that she's the girl I envied and admired the most..

Sf: "You okay kid?' She asked with a smile, helping me get back to my feet afterwards.

Rd: "Y-yeah.. You're the A-ace.."

Sf: "Yep, that's me." She started while placing her hand on my shoulder.

As soon I felt her hand, I immediately jumped in nervousness. Imagine meeting your idol face to face. Its like meeting your favorite member in some kpop group but.. Better!

Sf: 'You okay kid? You just froze."

Rd: "Y-yeah yeah Im okay! I just cant believe that Im here with the well-known Ace of Equestria! Oh- Im so sorry that I bumped into you, Im so sorry!" I replied in a nervous tone.

Sf: "Hehe its okay kid." She smiled, but when she saw I was wearing a blue Jersey, her eyes widened in surprise. "Woah you a player? What's your name kiddo?"

Rd: "I-Im Rainbow Dash from C-canterlot High" I yelled with confidence.

Sf: "Hm.. Canterlot High eh? What's your position? Your probably a libero-"

Rd: "Wing- spiker." I interrupted.

Sf: "Wow.. Seriously?"

Rd: "Im seriously serious right now ma'am!"

Sf: "No need to call me ma'am kid. But why are you a Wing-spiker with a height like that?" She asked, kneeling down to match my height afterwards.

Rd: "I maybe small.. But I can jump high! And Im here to be the next Ace!"

Her eyes widened in shock as soon I mentioned her title. It may seem rude to say Im going to take her title and career but Im confident that I can do it.. Besides, she's already a 3rd year so I might have a chance.. And its been my dream since i first got into volleyball.

Sf: "Hm.. Im interested but Im not gonna give up my title that easily kid, wait- why are you out here? I thought you had a match with.. Everfree High?"

Rd: "We were but.. I ran away just now."

Sf: "What? Why?" She questioned, concerned.

Rd: "My team always underestimated me, especially our two setters! I just feel impatient and useless to them.. Im starting to think that enrolling to CHS was a bad idea."

Sf: "What? Why will they underestimate such a passionate player like you?"

Rd: "Y-you really mean it?! Coming from you its a big deal!" I asked in shock.

Sf: "Of course I do, anyways I wanna see your skills and mentor you to become an ace like me, wanna join us?" She giggled as she placed her hand around my shoulders.

I always thought that Spitfire was a terrifying person at first because of her ridiculously insane power at spiking the ball but she's.. So nice.

Sunset mentioned me that Spitfire took the 'Ace' Title from her, are this two friends before the tournament? I just shook my thoughts away as I lastly looked behind me to see if my teammates chased me.

Rd: "Y-you mean it? I can join your practice?!"

Sf: "Sure, Me and my team are still training anyways while were waiting for our practice match so lets go!" She answered after leading me into their court.

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