Chapter 40: A broken passion

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Rd: "Rose.. D-dont this is my fight!" I yelled back after I got back up to my knees.

The brown haired teen didn't listened and continued to yell at the 3 jocks surrounding me, making them laugh at both me and Rose.

She's that one girl in my class who kept on supporting me to be achieve my dreams with my lack of height. But why is she here? Class hours are over..

But she cant be here, Im trying to prove myself that Im not and no longer weak! But whatever I do to defend myself doesn't works! I tried to be tough like Applejack, to fight back like Sunset and to talk back like Pinkie pie..

But why isn't it working? Is it because of my height? Is it because I have a rainbow colored hair? Or is it because Im truly weak?

I can feel body aching in pain as the anger within me started to rage throughout my body. I don't need Applejack nor anybody to save me, Im not weak!

Rd: "Get the f*ck out of here Rose.." I muttered with slight anger in the tone of my voice.

R: "You okay Rainbow?!"

Rd: "What does it looks like to yo- ACK!" I was cut off when Bulk delivered another kick to my stomach which made me groan in pain.

R: "S-stop!"

"Why? What are you gonna do to us?" The boy named Dumb-bell laughed, crossing his arms after.

R: "The girls' volleyball team are on their way jackass!"

Rd: "W-what?"

"So? They're just a bunch or girls-"

"Wait!" Bulk started, covering his friend's mouth with his gloved hand.

"T-that's the cowgirl's sport right?" He continued in slight nervousness.

As the 3 idiots stare at Rose in the distance, I immediately took the chance to strike. So I got back up to my knees and delivered a punch to Bulk's private part, causing him to yell in pain.

"Idiot!" Hoops growled back before grabbing my shirt and throwing me to the wall.

Rd: "ARGH!" I gasped as soon my back hit the wall with huge impact.

But instead of giving up like last time, I immediately stood up and charged at his friends, ignoring the unbearable pain all over my body.

R: "Rainbow don't! T-they're here quick!"

I just ignored Rose as I weakly swung my fist directly at the idiot's face. But his other friend quickly grabbed both my arms afterwards.

"You f*cking shrimp don't give up heh?" Hoops chuckled while placing his hand on the part where I punched him.

"We gotta go man.." Bulk interrupted after getting back up to his feet.

"Why? I thought we're gonna teach this kid a lesson?"

"Hey!" A familiar voice yelled from the distance.

When I looked back, my eyes widened in anger when I saw my team watching us in the distance. They were already in their practice jerseys.. Did they start without me?

Sunset and Pinkie pie were staring at the 3 jocks with their angered look, Twilight and Rarity was still in shock to see me like this, and Applejack is just looking at the other way to ignore me.

Ts: "What's going on here?"

Rd: "Again with the rescuing.. I dont need your help!" I growled back as tears slowly form in my eyes.

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