Chapter 37: Regrets?

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*3 days has passed- currently 4:54 pm-

Ss: "Good game!" Our captain yelled out of exhaustion as our 3rd match of day finished.

Ts: "Another round of diving for our penalty.. Yey." Twilight chuckled before diving to the floor to practice our recieves.

Its been another 3 days here in training camp and today's the last day. It bothers me that we only had 5 wins out of 30 matches this whole week.. Its like were the weakest team over here.

And now we just lost a match against Everfree high with their score of 25-22 in all 2 sets. And since our coach wasn't happy at all, he decided to make us practice our diving whenever we loose.

Its a shame that we never played against Spitfire's team since she's in another camp district. I really want to see her powerful attacks again, but Applejack's right.. I dont need her to teach me, I can be an Ace in my own way.

After we finished a round of diving, I quickly ran up to Flash to grab mine and Applejack's water bottle, walking up to the cowgirl afterwards.

Rd: "Hey asshole, good game." I smiled, throwing her bottle in the air.

Aj: "N-no its not a good game, we just lost again.. This is like our 56th defeat." She replied after catching the bottle.

Rd: "Actually is 55."

Aj: 'You've been counting it? What a loser."

Rd: "Hey at least Im not bothered about it! Besides, it's making us learn new moves! I mean our freak attack thing is slowly evolving."

Aj: "Yeah but you still suck at spiking."

Rd: "And you still suck at tossing-"

Aj: "What the hell did you just say pipsqueak?"

Rd: "Crap!" I nervously gulped before running behind Sunset's back.

Applejack just laughed and placed her bottle down on the bench, still giving me her flirtatious look from before.

Ss: "You okay Dash?"

Rd: 'Y-yeah! Im just gonna hide for a while.. "

Ss: "Let me guess, Applejack's gonna kill you again?"

Rd: "Yep.."

Ss: "Aww you two love birds never stop." Sunset cheered in joy as she tapped my hair.

Rd: "She never stops! I can't stop her!"

Ss: "But you want her, right?"

Rd: "Uhh.. Maybe?" I answered with a nervous smile.

Ss: "Im gonna take that as a yes." She started, throwing her water bottle back to Flash. "You two better take it slow, I mean you're still young to be in a relationship."

Rd: "How about you and Twili-" I was cut off when the captain immediately covered my mouth and dragged me outside the court.

As soon me and Sunset got to a safe private place, she sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder to get my attention. I can still remember the time I saw them making out, Is she still mad at me?

Ss: "Rainbow.."

Rd: "Oh god are you gonna kill me?"

Ss: "W-what?"


Ss: "Rainbow you idiot no Im not gonna kill you." She laughed.

Rd: "Are you still mad at me for walking in while you and Twilight were having sex?"

Ss: "Oh god Applejack really did infect you with her dirty mindness. NO were not having sex and NO Im not mad at you."

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