Chapter 7: The title of the Ace

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"Applejack.. she's smiling.."

That strange feeling came back as soon I saw Applejack smiling in joy. I stared back at her but she immediately looked away as soon our eyes met. I smiled back and decided to tease her about tossing the ball to me but Rarity and Sunset blocked my way to give me more compliments before I could take my first step.

Fs: "Okay what the heck just happened?!" Flash asked in shock, standing up from bench before running towards us.

Aj: "She jumped high, its not a big deal ya know?" Aj replied but her smile was gone.. I wonder why?

Pp:" It is a big deal Applejuice-"

Aj:" Its Applejack,"

Pp:" Potato tomato, its still a big deal cause she jumped so high even though her height looks like a 7 year old!" Pinkie yelled in excitement which affected me but I just laughed it off.

Rd:" Hehe, Gee.. thanks Pinkie.." I replied, placing my hand on the back of my neck.

R:" Wow Rainbow I dint know you can jump that high! I guess we underestimated you a while ago, sorry darling." Rarity nervously told me before turning her attention to Applejack beside her.

Ss: "Yeah not bad.. but is anyone gonna talk about that Rainbow literally connected and slammed the ball with her eyes close in mid-air?!"

Aj: "I'm not into fashion Rar- WAIT, WHAT?!" The cowgirl gasped in shock when she heard the captain's question.

Ts: "Wait she did?! Dang she's breaking all known laws of gravity.."

Pp: "English please, Twilight."


Ss: "The egghead is now confused." Sunset replied, making the others laugh at Twilight.

R: "Seriously darling, how do you jump so high?" Rarity asked confused.

Rd: " Because people don't have wings, we look for ways to fly." I confidently answered with a grin.

Rarity and Pinkie pie was completely amazed but Sunset smacked the back of my head, making me gasp in shock.

Ss:" Stop Acting cool goddamnit!" she teasingly yelled while messing around with my hair.

Rd:" Eh?! Im sorry captain!" I nervously laughed back while my team joined in.

While me and the upperclassmen have fun, we heard someone cough on purpose at the back, so we all turned around to see Applejack with her arms crossed.

Aj:" Can we go back to the game now?" She asked while giving us her usual deadly stare which freaked us all except for the captain.

Sunset then chuckled softly before walking up to Applejack and placing her hand on the cowgirl's shoulder, making Aj look back in confusion. At first we thought that the captain will scold her again but she unexpectedly laughed.

Aj: "Uh.. Captain?" Aj stuttered in nervousness as she watch Sunset laugh mysteriously.

Ss: "You were great too Applejack, it was a perfect toss." Sunset replied with a grin, making Aj blush from the compliment.

Aj: "Wha- of course I know that! Ehem.. Thanks Sunset." She nervously said while looking away to avoid us from looking at her blushing face.

Ts: "Anyways, you and Applejack make a good team."

Pp: "Yeah im jealous." Pinkie added with a laugh.

Rd:" Thanks guys, with my skill I know I'll be the next Ace!" I replied with confidence.

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