Chapter 4: We meet again

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"A-applejack?!" I yelled in confusion, getting the cowgirl's attention.

Her eyes widened in shock as soon she laid eyes on me. Her expression quickly changed into a anger one as she approached me.

Aj: "What the hell are you doing here?!" She growled with pure anger im her voice.

"Hey hey hey!" The captain yelled while blocking the cowgirl's way to me.

S: "Who are you?" Sunset asked confused.

T: "Do you know her Rainbow?" Twilight whispered to my ear, I nodded in agreement before walking towards Applejack.

I then tapped Sunset's back and giving her a serious look. She smiled back and backed away from Applejack so I can face her.

I looked up to her and realized how tall she grown compared to the first time we met. She looked down cause I was shorter than her while her eyes was filled with anger and hate.

Rd: "Hey App-" She immediately interrupted me before I could even finish talking.

Aj: "What are you doing here Dash?!"

Rd: "Oh.. You know my name?"

Aj: "Duh, answer my question!"

Rd: "Im gonna sign up for the volleyball club.."

Aj: "So your studying here?!"

Rd: "Duh! Isn't obvious for you cowgirl?"

Aj: "I.. Whatever." She lastly muttered before making her way towards Sunset.

Rd: "Hey Cowgirl!" I yelled back, she stopped walking and slowly looked back at me with a terrifying angry look.

I was scared at first that she might yell at me again but when I noticed that the other upperclassmen were behind me, I know they can protect me from the cute cowgirl.. Wait, what?

So I took a deep breath and stared into her emerald eyes before asking her the same question.

Rd: "What the heck are you doing here? I thought you were at Cyrstal prep?" I asked confused but she completely ignored me and continued walking to the captain.

Rd: 'Hey answer me!" I yelled again but she dint replied nor looked back. I sighed and stomped my foot into the ground because I was getting even furious at her.

I then felt two hands touching my shoulder, so I looked back and saw Rarity and Pinkie pie giving me a sincere look.

R: "Its okay darling, its quite clear she wont take you seriously. "

Pp: "Yeah forget her, Oh did you say she was from Crystal prep?"

Rd: "Thanks guys.. Yeah she's from Crystal prep, why did you ask?"

Pinkie sighed in a sad way before answering my question.

Pp: "They were the ones who stopped us from going into nationals." She told me with a sad tone in her voice.

R: "Its true, thats why Sunset doesn't accept the freshman that were from Crystal prep." Rarity added.

Rd: "So.. She wont accept Applejack?" I asked while pointing to the cowgirl taking to Sunset.

Pp: "Probably not, or maybe yes cause were a little short on members."

Rd: "Oh, okay.." I replied, returning my attention to Applejack at the distance.

Im still wondering why is she here, did she transferred into this school? Why did she leave one of the most powerful powerhouses which was Crystal prep? I need to talk to her now.

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