Chapter 39: Weakling

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Rd: "W-what..?" I stuttered, barely unable to speak properly.

Ss: "Don't act dund Dash, we all know about it."

I just stood there, silent, shocked, and somehow angry as Sunset and the others continued to give me their deadly angered glare.

I can't believe this, how did they know? The only person who knew about me and Spitfire was..

As soon I realized it, I immediately turned to my right and grabbed Applejack by her shirt, causing her to gasp and bend down.

Rd: "Did you tell them?!"

Aj: "W-wha-"

Rd: "Did you f*cking tell them? you asshole!" I growled again with pure anger in the tone of my voice which made everybody gasp in shock.

Aj: "Rainbow.. I as much as shocked like you! I-I didnt tell them anything!"

Rd: "Lies! you were who knew about this.. I thought I can trust you!" I cried as tears slowly form in both my eyes.

Applejack was still frozen in shock while she watch my tears flow down. It was true that she looked shocked like me but why is she acting so innocent if I know she's the one who told Sunset..

Aj: "Dash come on.." She muttered, raising her hand to wipe the tears away in my eyes.

But before she could even touch me I immediately pushed her away, sending her to fall to the ground.

Ss: "So it's true.." Sunset interrupted while approaching me.

Rd: "C-captain.. I can explain."

Ss: "No need." She started after placing her hand on my shoulder. "You know I can kick you out of the club because of this right?"

My eyes widened in complete shock, grabbing Sunset's shirt afterwards to pull her closer.

Rd: "N-no.. Sunset please dont." I cried in tears with a broken voice.

Ss: "No need to be dramatic Dash, its just a club and a sport-"

Rd: "Volleyball.. Is my life! I will never give up till I achieve my dreams!"

Ss: "I know that but-"

Rd: "How can I become the next Ace if Im gonna be kicked out in the freaking club?!" I interrupted.

Ts: "R-rainbow calm down.."

Rd: "I want to go to Nationals.. I want to win the championship.. Please come on don't do this Sunset.."

R: "Rainbow Dash please stop crying Darling.."

Rd: "I c-cant help it.." I replied in a soft voice before letting go of our captain's shirt.

The whole room was silent for a few seconds, the only thing being heard was my sobs and some gossips from Wallflower Blush and Coloratura.

Applejack on the other hand was still in shock, speechless, and the jackass who betrayed me. Finally, Sunset finally spoke up as she placed both her hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes after.

Ss: "Dash.. I know your passionate about volleyball but you just broke one of our club rules and that gives me the power to kick you out of this club.."

Rd: "I-Im so sorry captain.." I respond in a weak voice after bowing my head to avoid letting the others to see my cry.

Ss: "Me and the girls already talked about it and-"

Rd: "Who told you about this..?"

Ss: "W-what? Speak up kid."

Rd: "Who told you this?!"

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