Chapter 30: Unexpected

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I was still frozen in shock as soon I saw Applejack watching me from the entrance. It was clear she wasn't happy to see me with another team, especially a powerhouse team..

When Spitfire noticed how shock I am, she followed my gaze, only to see my teammate in the distance. At first she dint knew who she was but she unexpectedly growled at the cowgirl.

Sf: "Hey! Who are you?"

Aj: "Im just here for.. The idiot." Applejack replied, flicking her finger to point at me.

Mf: "What do you want from her?" Misty questioned, taking a step closer to Aj.

They don't even realized that she was my teammate because she wasn't wearing her jersey yet, but Blaze somehow recognized her.

B: "Wait.. Your that toxic setter that rages a lot from last year's tournament!"

Sf: "Oh.. Yeah! I remember you! You're the one from Crystal Prep who kept missing her tosses, right?"

Aj: "Not any more, now get out of my way!" The jackass growled back after pushing Spitfire out of her way to charge at me.

Rd: "A-applejack.." I trembled, barely unable to hear.

Before I could take a step back, she immediately grabbed my shirt with both her hands as she kept staring directly in my eyes, with her angered ones.

Sf: "Woah back off!"

Rd: "N-no! Spitfire its.. Okay!"

S: "What do you mean its okay?! That cowgirl is literally about to beat you up!"

Rd: "I-its okay, Surprise!" I started before pushing Applejack away from me. "She's.. My teammate." I continued.

B: "W-what? That idiotic setter is in your team?"

Mf: "Blaze!" Misty gasped, playfully shoving her friend at the back.

B: "Ow! Sorry but.. You weren't kidding when you told us all about how your setter treats you?"

Aj: "W-what? What did you tell them jackass?!"

Rd: "N-nothing! Its not important!"

Sf: "Wow.. Is is true." Spitfire interrupted before facing Applejack right in her eyes. "What business do you have with our kid?"

Aj: "We have a practice match right now.. And she isn't supposed to be here."

Sf: "And why the hell not?"

Aj: "She's in our team loser, deal with it."

Rd: "Screw you! You don't control me!"

Aj: "Shut up! Im going to tell this to the captain."

Rd: "N-no dont! Please.."

Aj: "Sorry but you cant control me." She lastly said before making her way towards the exit.

I cant let her tell any of this to my team, they can kick me out of the club when they found out! I need to stop Applejack before she could even do it..

But before I could even take my first step, I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me look back in a hurry.

Sf: "Is your team always like this?"

Rd: "O-only Applejack.."

Sf: "Well, we wont wanna bother you in your game so.. Wanna practice here later night instead?" She asked with a warm smile.

Rd: "Sure.. Thanks Spitfire.."

Sf: "No problem kid, now go before that cowgirl tells your coach!"

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