Chapter 45: Determined?

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I just kept running and running as droplets of rain poured down on me, paired with the cold gust of wind brushing my hair from behind.

My determination was enough to make me run in my full speed limit just to talk to her. Even though I cant still get rid off Fluttershy and what she did to me in the past, I knew that I can't give up.. Not now, not ever!

But something still bothering me, aside from Fluttershy and my recent problems, Will Applejack be happy to see me?

Of course not! I literally broke up with her because I believed Flutterass' lies instead of her. I always knew Applejack wont lie nor do such a thing to me.. But why didn't I believed her?

Now that the rain got even more stronger, I kept a hold on my shirt to fight this heavy feeling on my chest.

Whatever I think or do, I could never forget what my friend did to me. Knowing that she actually had a thing for my since Elementary is really shocking, how come I didnt noticed it?

And now, i broke her heart.. For what? For Volleyball and my stupid pride? What the hell is wrong with me? Im so f*cking confused..

Rd: "Dammit.. Keep it together idiot." I muttered to myself, wiping the droplets of rain in my face with my hand.

Without me even realizing it, tears began to flow down in my cheeks same like the rain pouring down on me.

Rd: "Forget her! Your not weak anymore don't think about Fluttershy!" I growled to myself before slapping both of my cheeks with my hands to make me snap out of my thoughts.

I was slowly loosing it. I always kept fighting my feelings while telling myself to stay strong and determined. But I cant just forget something that serious too fast!

Rd: "D-dash.. I gotta forget Fluttershy, she's only usi- ACK!" I gasped in shock when I suddenly tripped on a cracked spot on the sidewalk.

Because I cant control my momentum from all that running at the time, I didn't have time to stop running which leads me to make a hard landing on the side, causing me to gasp in slight pain.

Rd: "Grr.. Get up, Get the f*ck up Dash!" I muttered before getting to my knees.

But when I noticed something red dripping down to the water puddle beside me, I immediately extended my right leg, only to see a bleeding scratch mark on it.

Rd: "F-f*ck! Its just a little bit of blood, nothing to worry about. I can't stop here!" I nervously mumbled before grabbing my handkerchief on my pocket to wrap it around my wound.

But when I noticed which part of town I just tumbled into, I slowly around and realized I was in front of the same park where me and Applejack used to practice our quick attack.

It brings back the memories of me and her: The time where she threw the ball into the tree and how I literally have to climb it just to grab it for her.

Heh.. And that time where I started to loose my balance while Applejack started to take pictures of me.

Heck, I remember that she made me a meme and sent it to our group chat. "Hang in there" she captained to the pic where I was hanging in the tree branch.

All those memories is just making me feel even more weak inside. I want to feel that joy and happiness with her again, I want to feel her touch and warmth again.. But I f*cking messed up so bad..

While I was seating on the sides, still wrapping my wound which kept aching a slightly unbearable pain, rain suddenly stopped pouring on me even though it's still raining in front me.

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