Chapter 16: New players

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As soon our teacher dismissed our class, me and Applejack immediately raced towards the gym again. Even though we had to trip and fall a couple of times nothing stopped us from winning the race.

And sadly, she won this time cause I fell into a puddle which made me shirt slightly wet.

Aj: "HAHA! You owe me a drink!" The idiotic cowgirl yelled victoriously while watching me catch up with her.

Rd: "Idiot that you were cheating!"

Aj: "Well it ain't my fault that you fell into a puddle so- BLEH!" She teased again, sticking out her tongue before kicking the gym's doors to open it.

Rd: "Geez there's a handle you know?"

Aj: "What was that? Sorry I can't hear losers."

Rd: "You freaking giraffe!" I growled back as I punched her back repeatedly, but she just laughed while tapping my Rainbow hair.

Aj: "Ouch Im so hurt, I was just kidding ya know?" She sarcastically giggled.

Rd: "I know, its just fun punching you." I replied with a grin, making her cheeks slightly blush for some reason.

Aj: "I ain't your punching bag you fool. Lets just get insid-" Applejack was cut off when we both noticed that the court was completely empty.

Rd: ""Where is everybody?"

Aj: "I dunno.. Our class must have been dismissed early."

Rd: "Maybe, wanna toss me a few balls?" I asked with a grin.

Applejack then nodded in agreement before stepping inside to turn on the lights while I ran to the cleaning closet to grab the net and some mops for the floor.

While I help Applejack with the net in both sides, I cant stop myself from looking at her. But when she looked back at me, our eyes met for seconds.. Her emerald eyes are now different from the first time I saw her, its not angered.

But when we both realized that we were staring at each other, both of us immediately looked away and continued to fix the net.

After we finished both sides, I then threw a mop at her which hit the back of her head.

Rd: "Oh shoot sorry!" I nervously yelled knowing that she'll charge at me any second now.

Aj: "Dumbass!" She growled, making me jump in shock.

Rd: "Oh crap!" I yelled back with a soft laugh before running away from the crazy cowgirl.

After a few minutes of running away from the cowgirl, she eventually tackled me.

Aj: "Gotcha!" She laughed with a evil grin.

Rd: "Okay, okay you got me! Im sorry! Can you please get off me now?"

Aj:" But you dint say 'please'. " Aj teased again, grabbing both my arms and pinning me to the floor.

Rd: "Uh.. Please?" I nervously replied as my cheeks redden as heck.

Aj: "Hm.. Let me think about it, No."

Rd: "Goddammit Applejack get off me!"

Aj: "Nah I like the view anyways." She started while licking her lips in a flirtatious way, making me blush even more. "Besides, your too weak to even fight back right?"

Rd: 'I- im not.. Weak.. " I growled back with a slightly broken voice which made the cowgirl look back in confusion.

Our moment was fun at first, but when she told me I was weak, I was affected by it.. I just looked the other way to avoid making eye contact with her.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now