Chapter 60: Farewell, my paradise

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All I can see is a endless black void. It feels like Im surrounded my many people. The voices, they all sound so familiar.

They kept yelling and shouting at each other, some were sounding so worried while others kept yelling at someone. 

My head was still aching and my body felt even more heavier compared to last time. Both my legs and hands were feeling numb but I knew I was conscious.   

The last thing I remember is when Sunset spiked the ball and something hard slammed onto my face, knocking me straight to the floor.

What happened to me?

The voices, they're getting louder and louder. It sounds like my volleyball teammates and one unfamiliar voice.

I tried lifting my hand but it felt like someone was pushing it down. it felt like someone's hand was on top of mine, refusing me to move it.

But as soon I heard someone yelled out my name, my heart immediately skipped a beat as my eyes started to slowly open, only for me too see a bright light in front of me.

"Boke! Rainbow, You dumbass!" The unfamiliar voice called out again.

That voice.. I think I heard it before.

After my eyes fully opened I looked to my side and saw a purple-haired teen with a huge smile on her face.

Rd: "Rarity?" I managed to choke out in a weak sounding tone. 

R:" Oh Rainbow darling your awake!" Rarity squealed out of joy before moving closer for hug. 

I smiled weakly and hugged back, still glaring at the rest of the girls surrounding us. 

Ts:" Hey Dash, how are you, you good?" Twilight asked in a worried tone. "That was some fall back there."

Rd:" Im used to it.." I chuckled before seating up. "Where am I, what happened?" 

Sunset cleared her throat and stepped in front to face me.

 Ss:" You didn't move out of my attack so it slammed onto your face.. It was kinda painful to be honest." 

Fs:" Were at the school's clinic, Dashie." Fluttershy answered after she pouted and cross her arms to her chest. 

Rd:" Danm.." I muttered, placing my hand on where the ball hit my face. "It still hurts.. How long was I out?" 

Pp:" About 2 hours, how are you?" 

Rd:" My head still hurts.. P-Pinkie-" I paused and started at the pink haired teen in front of me." Pie.. Pinkie pie, right?" I continued.

She arched an eyebrow at me while others shared the exact same confused looks. 

Pp:" Of course Im pinkie pie, silly!" She giggled while pinching my cheeks. "Its like you don't remember me. Wait, Who am I?" 

Ts:" Oh f*ck here we go again." 

Pp:" If Rainbow Dash couldn't recognize me then that means Im not me! Who am I, Twilight? WHO THE HELL AM I-" 

R:" Calm your ass down, darling." Rarity interrupted with a cute giggle.

Ss: "Why does it feels like you almost forgot Pinkie pie, Rainbow?"

Rd: "I.. I dont know." I replied, slightly bowing my head down to tease the pain. "What are we doing again?"

"We were playing against Sunset and Twilight, dumbass."

As soon I heard a southern country accent respond to my question, I immediately looked back up and redirected my gaze to the voice's direction.

And there I saw a blonde country teen. Her eyes were weary and almost about to tear up, she had visible anger as her expression and she kept holding tightly to her hat.

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