Chapter 17: Another game.

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Rd: "F-fluttershy?!" I yelled in shock, getting the shy girl's attention.

Fs: "Hey Dashie!" She greeted back, waving her hand at me.

When I saw Applejack's hand was about to touch my shoulder, I immediately ran towards Fluttershy to give her a tight hug.

Rd: "I missed ya Shy! I cant believe your here with me now!" I yelled in joy, making Fluttershy's cheeks slightly redden.

Fs: "I told you that I like playing with you right? Not against you. So here I am in Canterlot High."

Rd: "Oh danm we have so much catching up to do! What is Gilda like when she's team captain? Why did you spike the ball back at the practice match? I thought you-"

Fs: "Hush now Dashie, everybody's looking at you." She giggled nervously as she glanced around the court.

As soon I followed her gaze, I saw the other upperclassmen giving us a teasing look so I quickly pulled away from Shy's hug and placed my hand behind my neck.

Rd: 'Ehm.. Sorry Captain!"

Ss: "Its okay Dash but you need to control your excitement, you two look like a couple when your together." Sunset teased with a laugh, making me blush slightly same as Fluttershy.

Rd: "N-no were not!"

Ss: "Just kidding with ya Rainbow."

Sa: "Ehem, now that we have new players, we might as well turn this training into another practice match." Shining armor declared as he places a hand on the captain's shoulder.

Ss: "Yes coach! You 4 change into your gym clothes. Twilight and me will get the practice jerseys in the cabinet." Sunset said before grabbing Twilight's hand and running to the closet.

As Fluttershy and the new players ran to the restroom, I happily skipped back to my team.

Suddenly, the idiotic cowgirl blocked my way while giving me a disturbing look.

Aj: "Why's the flower girl here?"

Rd: "Well I dont know cowgirl, get outta my way."

Aj: "She's clearly here to sabotage us. I mean why did she leave your dumbass team back at 6th grade?"

Rd: "I said I dont know goddammit!" I growled back in anger as I pushed Applejack out of my way. "And she's not here to sabotage us.. She's here to help me get to Nationals.. Without your help." I lastly added before running towards Rarity.

I then held Rarity's arm, making her look back at me in confusion. But as soon she realized that I was about to cry, her eyes widened before leading me into a private spot.

R: "What's wrong Darling?" She asked confused, kneeling down to match my height.

Rd: 'I- I dont know anymore Rarity.. Why is Applejack acting like this?"

R: 'Aww Rainbow dont cry!" She started, wiping the tears in my eyes with her hand. "I think its that Fluttershy girl.."

Rd: "What do you mean?"

R: "Whenever your with your friend, I always see that Applejack is pulling you away from her."

Rd: "Yeah the idiot does that.. But why?"

R: " I dont know too darling, Applejack is really hard to figure out."

Rd: "I know.. She's a goddamn idiot."

R: "But she's your idiot, Dashie." Rarity replied with a warm smile.

Rd: "W-what? No she's not!" I immediately growled back in slight nervousness.

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