Chapter 47: Coach's confession.

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My eyes were still widened in shock as coach Macintosh continued to explain even more details about his intention about me and Applejack.

Still not knowing what to say nor respond, I just stayed stayed silent while I slowly place all the events and speeches together in my mind, making it clear for me to fully understand it.

It was clear that Coach McIntosh's voice started to get in a worried tone as soon he saw tears flow down my cheeks.

But even though he kept cheering me up with that positive attitude of his, nothing stopped me from making newly formed tears in both my eyes.

I can't believe it, the only reason why me and the cowgirl met was because of my old coach. He didn't even know that all of my problems relate to her.

Heck, he doesn't even know that im lesbian for her sister! But after he finished explaining everything, I realized he did have a point.

It was true that Applejack is still a complete jackass from the first the day with met till today, but we're both lacking.

With her miserable yet flawless tosses and my quick speed.. We created a weapon that only CHS could ever had, and that weapon is the one we called-

Rd: "The freak duo.."

Bm: "W-what?" He asked, confused.

Rd: "Our freak duo.. Where is Applejack? I need to talk to her!" I yelled back before standing up.

Bm: "Woah hold on kid!" coach Macintosh started, making me seat back down in the bed afterwards. "Calm down, what's wrong?"

Rd: "W-where's your sister, coach? Where's Applejack?!"

Bm: "I think she's downstairs with someone but calm down! Tell me what's wrong.."

After Coach sat down beside me, I lastly let out a weak sigh while wiping my tears away with both my hands, looking back on the floor after.

Bm: A lot of things changed since you left Saint's academy, Dash.. Its true that you've improved when we had that practice match but something's odd.. Its like you lost your passion for the sport."

Rd: "A lot of things did changed coach, its because of your goddamn sister."

Bm: 'W-why? What did Applejack do to you?"

Rd: "Well believe it or not, we used to hate each other's asses at first." I chuckled, wiping my tears again. " but when I first connected her toss, I felt something that made me.."

Bm: "W-what?! That son of a bi- I mean.. 'That made you'?"

Rd: "Feel good and excited, her tosses were perfect and I feel like- Its kinda hard to explain coach."

Bm: "True, but what did Aj do to you?"

Rd: 'Heh, that jackass used to beat me up, insult me, and even yeet me out in the ocean but I got used to her when we got.. " I started after looking up to face Coach's eyes. "We got some kind of connection towards each other.."

Bm: "Connection? Like a friend thing right?"

Rd: "Y-yeah.. As friends."

Bm: "Continue."

Rd: "Right.. As time passes, I slowly for this weird feeling for her but I think it just made our friendship worse. Plus me and my team's drama, not to mention family problems!"

Bm: "R-rainbow.. I-"

Rd: "I don't know what the hell is going on anymore coach.. The only reason I ran over here was to was to make things better with Applejack.. But I instead got to talk with my old coach."

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now