Chapter 21: My decision

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*Hey guys thanks for voting in yesterday's choices! I finally gathered all of the votes and its 3-4-0. Rd's decision will be---
Finally, I made up my mind. I looked back at my two friends who were giving each other the same mad tension from before.

I then took a deep breath before walking up to her and placing my hand on her shoulders afterwards.

Rd: "Lets go Applejack.."

( The vote for Aj was 4 while 3 people voted for both. Sadly Fluttershy alone got no votes :)"

Aj: "W-what really? Ya sure?"

Rd: "I just wanna practice our quick attack with you.." I started, giving her a weak smile. "Is it okay with you Shy? You can come with us if you want?" I asked Fluttershy while taking her hand.

She just smiled weakly and held back my hand. Her eyes were somehow saddened at the time, I was feeling guilty for not choosing her.

Fs: "Its okay Dashie, maybe another time okay?" She replied, letting go off my hand. "Im going home now, bye Dash." She lastly said before running away.

I tried to yell out her name to get her attention but she won't reply nor look back at me. Is she mad at me?

Suddenly, my thoughts vanished when I felt a hand touched my shoulder, I looked back and saw Aj with a victorious grin in her face.

Rd: "What's with the face?"

Aj: "Nothing, lets just go."

Rd: "To where?"

Aj: "To the same park where you fell on the tree." She teased as she grabbed her gym bag on the ground.

Rd: "Screw you, you made me climb up that tree remember? Its your fault in the first place!" I said crossing my arms while looking away from the cowgirl.

Aj: 'What was that? Sorry I cant hear you because Im winning!"

Rd: "What?!" I gasped when I realized she's already running towards the park. "Oh hell no!"

I then wore my bag before chasing after her. Of course I was faster than her so I was able to catch up beside her.

Aj: 'Huh?! Your too goddamn fast for a dwarf!"

Rd: "And your too slow for a giraffe! Bye bye!" I laughed victoriously as I increased my running speed, making me be on first place.

Aj: "Crap get back here!"

After we both got exhausted, we stopped running to regain our breath. We were both panting at the time so we decided to seat down.

Rd: "I.. Win.." I muttered with a tired voice.

Aj: "You.. Cheated.."

Rd: "Your the one.. Who had a freaking head start!"

Aj: "Well at least you dint get trip by a f*cking rock like I did!"

Rd: "Can we stop talking and breath before we collapse out of exhaustion!" I lastly said after taking out my water bottle on my bag.

But when I noticed that its completely empty, I secretly watched Applejack drink hers. Eventually she noticed me seconds later.

Aj: "What?"

Rd: 'N-nothing! I wasn't staring at you or anything!" I nervously denied, looking away to avoid making eye contact with her.

Aj: 'Your a bad liar ya know that right?"

Rd: "Im not that bad! I just need water."

Aj: "Well too bad cause I ain't sharing mine." She grinned as she placed the water bottle back at her bag.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now