Chapter 26: On our way

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I woke up early in the morning to prepare my stuff since our club's training camp is today. I already told my mom that I will be gone for a week and she gladly permitted me to come. My idiotic dad on the other hand, dint even care about it.

Its currently 3:00 am and Im somehow not sleepy nor tired. The buss will leave at 4:30 am so I quickly ate my breakfast and took a very cold shower.

But I wasn't as excited like before for this event, since me and Aj fought.. She kept on giving me her angered eyes every time or eyes meet. While Fluttershy kept on avoiding me since I confessed my feelings about Aj, and I still cant figure out why.

As soon I got downstairs, my mom immediately pulled me into a tight hug which made me gasp in surprise.

Ww: "Oh Sweetie, be safe okay?"

Rd: "I will mom." I giggled after I hugged her back.

Ww: "You've been feeling down for the past week, are you okay?"

Rd: "Y-yeah mom, Im just.. Always tired." I lied, not telling her about what happened with Aj.

Ww: "Oh okay then. Did you bring your spare clothes? Your toothbrush? Some Medicines?!"

Rd: "Mom! Relax okay? Im just going out for out training camp for a week, no need to worry about okay? Coach Shining will look after us."

Ww: "I know sweetie, Just be safe okay? I made you some snacks so you wont get hungry on the way." She smiled while handing me a brown paper bag.

Rd: "Thanks mom! But you really dint have to wake up this early to help me, I know you've been working all day just to take care of me and scoots." I replied with a warm smile after placing the paper bag im my backpack.

Ww: "Aww sweetie its okay, Im just glad to see you one last time before you leave for your camp thingy, I know you always wanted to be the ace and here you are.. Your training for it, Im so proud at you Rainbow.."

Rd: "Shucks mom dont cry!" I yelled im shock when I saw my mom's eyes tearing up. "Its just for a week okay? I'll see you soon."

Ww: "Call me when you have some spare time okay?"

Rd: "Of course, thanks mom." I started, grabbing my backpack on the ground. "Where's Bob? I thought he's going to drive me to school?"

Ww: 'Oh honey dont call your father by his name.. I know he hasn't been a good father to you and your sister but he's doing his best. "

Rd: "I doubt it, where is he?"

Ww: "He haven't got home yet.. He told me he was tasked to do an overnight work."

Rd:" He's probably banging another chick by now mom." I said in slight anger.

Ww: "R-rainbow!"

Rd: "Im sorry okay? He always abuses and treats you wrong! Dont you think its really odd that he comes drunk in the middle of the night?"

Ww: "Rainbow sweetie.." She mumbled, cupping my cheek with her hand. "He's not prefect, nobody is. But Im sure he's just doing his best to make a living for us, so please.. Respect your father."

Rd: "F-fine.. Im sorry."

Ww: "Its okay Rainbow, now you better get going before your buss leaves right?" My mom giggled.

Rd: "Oh shoot! Im gonna miss it!" I yelled in panic. "Bye mom! See you soon!"

I lastly gave my mom a kiss at the cheeks before running out of the house. Besides, the school campus is just a few blocks away from my house so Im sure I'll make it.

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