Chapter 22: The Truth

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My eyes widened in shock when I felt Applejack smash her lips on mine. Even though I tried to push her away, she kept on pulling me back to her body.

This feels so wrong.. But it somehow feels so good. I was loosing myself at the time so.. I kissed back, placing my hands in her shoulders while Im standing on my tiptoes since she's taller than me.

After a few minutes of kissing passed by slowly, I immediately pulled away from the kiss as my cheeks were still reddened same like hers, Aj on the other hand placed her hand behind her neck while looking into my eyes.

Rd: "A-applejack.. Why?"

Aj: " I cant help mah self no more Dash.."

Rd: "W-what? What do you mean?!" I asked, backing away from the cowgirl.

I was feeling so confused at the time since this is my first kiss. I usually dont think about a love life not until I met Applejack, something about her sparked my soul..

Yeah I maybe boyish but why would anybody fall for a girl like me? A loser like me?! Is Applejack just playing with me? Suddenly, my thoughts vanished when she finally spoke up.

Aj: "Ah.. I like you Rainbow."

My eyes widened in pure shock once again when she finally confessed. My whole body was literally shaking because I feel so confused yet so.. Happy?

Rd: "A-a.. As- a friend?" I stuttered, looking the other way to avoid eye contact.

Aj: "No.." She started before pulling me to her body again, making me look back into her emerald eyes.

"I like you even more as a friend.."

Rd: "Applejack I.."

Aj: "You what? Do you feel the same thing too shrimp?" She said with a grin while cupping my cheeks.

Rd: "Applejack.."

The cowgirl gasped in shock when she realized I was tearing up. I was so confused at the time that panic over thrown my whole body.

Aj: "Woah why are you crying? Did I do somethin' wrong?" She asked worriedly before wiping my tears away.

Suddenly, I just snapped..

I pushed Applejack away from me with all my strength, causing her to fall on the ground.

Aj: "Woah Rainbow!" She gasped in shock.

Rd: " Why are you doing this?"

Aj: "Doin' what sugarcube?"

Rd: "Why are you doing this to me? You make me feel so weak inside!"

Aj: 'W-what do you mean..?"

Rd: " Ever since I first saw you back at the tournament.. I used to envy you! Your height, your skills, and the fact that your perfect! But now you try to play with me? I thought you hated me!?"

Aj: "Dash.. Can you just listen t-"

Rd: "All you do is make me feel weak and confused all the time.. Remember the time when you pinned me back at the tournament? When you punched me in the stomach for club applications? I tried to be nice to you but you kept on hating me! And now.. I still hate you.. "

Aj: "I changed now goddammit!" She growled back, getting back to her feet. "The only reason why I was being hard on you because I envy you!"

Rd: "You.. Envy me?" I asked surprised.

Aj: "You dint notice?! Oh Celestia your dumb.."

Rd: "Screw you! And why do you have to envy me? I dumb and weak right?" I replied with a broken voice.

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