Chapter 46: The reason

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"Hey.. Dumbass.."

A weak broken smile slowly formed in my face as I watched the idiot's eyes widened in shock as soon she saw me, wet from the rain, crying and all messed up.

Seeing her face after a long time actually made my heart beat back in happiness again even after I stupidly broke up with her which I regret.

I missed her, I missed spending my time with her.. And here I am, wanting her back because I made a stupid decision of breaking up with her!

Her emerald eyes, they were not angered like before, instead they were just plain shocked..

I know she still haven't got over our break up and its probably a weak move for me to go run under the rain just to talk to her.

But I dont care, I may look weak and desperate in front of her right now but I will never let her go.. Not anymore!

Heck, they can hurt, insult or kill me anytime.. But I will not stop until I get Applejack to say 'were okay!'

The cowgirl still stayed silent, still not knowing what to do nor unable to speak properly. It seems like she still has her jersey on, I guess she just got home from practice.

Suddenly without any hesitation, Applejack immediately took off her jersey and pulled me closer to her, causing me to let out a gasp. Luckily she had another shirt underneath so I won't have to see her body..

Aj: "R-rainbow!" She gasped, wiping my face with her jersey. "What the hell? Why are you here? Are you okay?!"

Now that tears began to form in my face, she quickly cupped my cheeks and continued to wipe my arms.

Aj: "I-idiot.. Answer me!"

Instead of answering her, I can't help myself from giving her a tight hug, making her shirt wet from mine.

Aj: "Woah! R-rainb-"

Rd: "Im so sorry Applejack! Im so f*cking sorry!" I interrupted as tears freely flow down on my cheeks.

Aj: "D-dumba-"

Rd: "Please forgive me! I was an idiot for leaving you Applejack, Im an idiot for loving you.. Just please take me back!"

After Aj pulled away from the hug, she placed her jersey on my shoulder and looked away from my eyes, causing a heavy feeling hit my heart.

It was clear she wasn't happy to see me, she was angered but also sad now that apologized to her.

Im not expecting her to take me back as her lover, no. I just wanted us to be the same old rivaled friends that used to play volleyball all the time.

So I just waited for her response while holding a part of my shirt with both my hands. Suddenly, she let out a weak sigh before placing her hand on my shoulder.

Aj: "Go up to my room, let's talk.."

I slowly nodded my head in agreement, bowing my head afterwards to avoid letting her see my face afterwards.

Applejack on the other hand held my arm and leaded me up to her room, ignoring the fact that I was making a mess from my wet clothes.

It's embarrassing for me to see me like this, especially from the fact that she seen me for days because I left the club.

As soon we entered her room, she immediately ran up to her closet and grabbed one of her dry clothes, looking at me in slight disgust after.

Aj: "Here." She started, throwing me her shirt. "Change your shirt.."

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