Chapter 48: The truth about her

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Aj: "I stil love you dumbass.. But Im not gonna be over our break up that easily!"

My eyes widened in pure shock as soon she admitted it while looking into her angered emerald eyes. It was clear that she was about to cry but she kept holding it in to show anger at me.

Her grip on my shirt began to tighten, causing me to gasp. But I cant help myself but to watch her as tears slowly flow down my face, still speechless.

But when a single tear shed in her eye, a painful feeling struck my heart again. It hurts me a lot just to her like this, I want to see her happy with her new lover.. But why is she still holding me?

I can't believe it, she still loves me after all the things I did to her. But she's with Coloratura now right? Why would she still love me if she have her?!

Heck, I bet she's just messing with me again to make me believe her, she doesnt loves me anymore, I just know it.

Aside from her tightened grip on my shirt, I noticed that both my hands were now turned into fists without even realizing it.

I just want her forgiveness so we can start as friends again, but seeing her with my teammate.. Is just messing with me.

I know we aren't a couple anymore, why do I feel  jealous about it?!

After a few seconds, she looked down to avoid me from seeing her eyes being teared up again.

Rd: "Heh, what do you mean you still love me? You have Coloratura now right?" I chucked in a broken weak voice.

Aj: "D-dumbass, she's nothing. You saw nothing."

Rd: "Im not that dumb Applejack. Stop calling me that, she's not nothing to you, I already saw you two-"

Aj: "Don't you f*cking get it? I still love you! That b*tch is nothing!"

Rd: "Bullsh*t.."

Aj: "Asshole!" She growled out of anger as she pushed me to the wall with force, making me gasp in slight pain. "She freaking started it, she kissed me first.."

Rd: "And I bet you kissed her back, did you enjoy it, Apples? I hope she's a better kisser than me." I managed to choke out between my sobs, making a forced broken smile after.

Aj: "I.. Coloratura and me aren't t-togther, jackass."

Rd: "Just let me go.. Please, I want to go home.."

Aj: "But.. Its still raining outsi-"

Rd: "THE HELL I CARE?! I rather get struck by a lightning or ran over by a freaking car than to spend my time with you!" I yelled back before pushing her away from me.

Aj: "Rainbow ple-"

Rd: "Why did you even kiss me? To make me feel even more confused, better yet weak!?"

Aj: "No.. Its because-" Applejack started, looking up to look into my eyes. "I missed you.. I f*cking missed you so much.."

Rd: "And another Bullsh*t, going over here was clearly a mistake. You look so weak just crying in front of me right now, do you realize that?"

Aj: "Rainbow.. You f*cking dumbass, just please listen to me."

Rd: "Gee thanks, I know." I replied, turning around to face the door. "Im a dumbass for loving you, Applejack. You deserve someone better, like Coloratura."

Aj: 'No.. Its you, your the only one for me.. " the cowgirl cried after grabbing my arm. "Im so sorry.."

Rd: "F*ck you, Im the one who's supposed to apologize. But hey, Im not even half pretty than your new girl, she's way better for you."

Aj: "What the hell are you talking about? Your my everything, Rainbow.. But when you broke up with me, I-I just know I can't forgive you that easily. "

Rd: "But you got over me that fast with Countess? Heck, I bet you didn't even love me at the first place, you just wanted to take advantage of me, do you?"

She was just speechless to my question for a few seconds. Why didn't she reply after that? Is it true? Its making me think that she only used me for her pleasure, not for love like I thought we had.

Aj: "No, I would never do that to you." She finally spoke up.

Rd: "I bet you say that to all the girls you dated." I started, pulling back my hand. "I need to go home."

Aj: "N-no..  Please stay. There's still a freaking storm outside!"

Rd: "I already told you I dont care." I growled back before turning around to face her again.

But when I saw how devastated she way, I felt something painful in my chest. I hate seeing her like that, I just just wanted her to be happy.

Rd: "S-stop crying, its making you look weaker than me." I growled in anger.

Confusion and guilt has now overthrown me and its making me say things without thinking straight nor properly about it.

Applejack on the other hand just kept bowing her head as her fists began shaking from my continues insults that meant nothing to me.

I just came over here to apologize to her and make things better, but now were both in pain just because I found out the truth about her and Countess.

I kept repeating to myself that me and Applejack are no longer a thing, but it still hurts me just recalling the vision that I saw a while ago. But seeing Applejack cry in front of me is just really worse.

Rd: "I said stop crying Applejack, Its making you look weak!"

Aj:" But I am weak, Rainbow!"

My eyes widened just hearing her say that. Knowing her for so long, something in me knew she was just kidding.

She's one of the most toughest persons I know, with her skill, her confidence and strength. I admire her for being so goddamn cool but.. Why would she say such a thing? A lie?

Rd: "W-what? No.. Your lying."

Aj: "I am.. Im not the tough girl you see everyday, Dash, Im just weak, unlike you!"

Rd: "Dumbass.. What the hell are you talking about?" I muttered in shock.

Aj: "Im weak.. YOUR MY WEAKNESS!"

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