Chapter 12: The freak duo title

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Chapter 12: First year's true abilities: The freak duo~

As soon I felt the ball connect with my palm, I immediately felt alive at the moment. At last I can finally show them my passion towards volleyball and proving the others that my height isnt going to stop me from being the very best.

When I got back to the ground, I carefully opened my eyes and saw Fluttershy and her team were shocked,  making me grin victoriously.

Yeah I spiked the ball sometimes during the match but I haven't felt this excited.. My team on the other hand was shocked like the others.

"YEAH!" Me and Applejack yelled in joy, making my team join in too. Sunset then ran up to me and messed with my hair while the other upperclassmen started to compliment me.

R: "That was super fast darling!"

Pp: "I wish I have speed like yours!"

Ts: "And that my Rainbow haired friend is a quick attack, but you actually stole the ball from Sunset."

Rd: "Oh.. Im sorry captain!"

Ss: "Its okay Dash! Your fit to be the next Ace after all." The captain replied, tapping my shoulders to make me not guilty about it.

As my team continued to talk about what happened, I saw Applejack weakly smiling at the distance so I ran up to her and raised my hand for a high five.

Rd: "Thanks for the toss cowgirl!" I happily cheered with a huge smile.

Aj then smiled back and gave me a strong painful high five which made me gasp in pain.

Aj: "You can do better than that shrimp." She started with a grin. " But dont steal the freaking ball from the Ace okay? I was aiming at Sunset.. Not you. " She lastly whispered.

Rd: "At least we got a point! You should be happy." I lastly said before running to my middle blocker position.

But Fluttershy was giving me the same weird look from before at the other side of the net.

Rd: "Hey.. Shy, are you okay?"

Fs: "Im fine Rainbow, but that was one freakish quick attack back there." She explained with a smile.

Rd: "Yeah cool right? I could have not done it without Applejack."

Fs: "I thought you two fought back at the tournament last year? And its quite clear that she still hates you especially that you threw the ball at the back of her head."

Rd: "Eh.. I still hate her too Flutters but, coach said everybody in my side are allies so.. We cant fight no more."

Fs: "Oh.. Well please be car-"

Fluttershy was interrupted when we heard the whistle blew to continue the match.

Rd: "We'll talk later Shy." I lastly said, getting into my stance same with the others.

Twilight then went at the back to serve the ball with perfect execution, as usual. As soon the ball flew to the other side of the court, the other team received it tossing the ball to Gilda.

I then remembered the guess blocking Twilight was talking about earlier, so I thought that Gilda will spike the ball so I jumped vertically to block her attack.

But when I noticed that her hand was facing the other side, I realized it was a dump.

Gilda immediately changed her posture and flicked her hand to make the ball fall beside me. All I can do at the time is watch the ball fall beside me cause I was too slow to react.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now