Chapter 8: Reunion

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"SAINTS ACADEMY?!" I yelled in shock, getting all of my friends' attentions.

R: "You know them Darling?" Rarity asked confused.

Rd: "Where are they?!" I asked again, ignoring Rarity's question.

The blue haired boy named Soarin fully opened the gym's door, showing a team with red uniforms.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw my old team.. And Fluttershy. As soon the rest of the team entered the gym, Fluttershy immediately noticed me at the distance, making her gasp in shock.

Fs: "R-rainbow dash?" She asked confused, but when I approached her with open arms, she quickly smiled irresistibly while running towards me to give me a hug.

Rd: "Hey Shy.. I missed you." I whispered into her ear.


I pulled away from the hug as soon I heard a familiar voice yell my name in anger. I looked back and saw my pain in the ass friend.

Rd: "Hey Gilda, nice to see you t-" before I could even finish talking, She immediately charged at me with a angered look.

G: "Why the heck are you here Dash?!' She growled as she grabbed my arm.

I just laughed softly before giving her a cocky grin which made her even more pissed.

Rd: "Cause I study here now Gilds, why are ya mad?" I asked in a teasing way.

Ss: "Hey what are you doing to our 1st year?" Sunset asked with her creepy grin, making Gilda scared while loosening her tight grip on my arm.

When Gilda was about to respond, I heard another familiar male voice so I looked at the other side and saw..

Coach McIntosh?!

Rd: "Coach?!" I yelled in confusion, getting Sir McIntosh's attention. But when he looked back, he smiled at me before waving his hand.

Bm: "Howdy Rainbow, you really followed my advice."

Rd: "Of course I di-"


I turned around when I heard someone yell at the back, I saw Applejack with a shocked face.

The cowgirl then ran up to the coach and pulled him into a hug.

Rd: "Wait.. Coach McIntosh is her brother?!"

Ss: "I dont even know whats going on over here."

R: "Ehem, do you know them Rainbow?" Rarity whispered in my ear.

Rd: "Yeah.. Saint's academy is my old school and those are my old classmates."

Pp: "Even the one with the light pink hair? She looks so cute!"

Rd: "Who? Fluttershy? Yeah she's cute and all but-"

R: "Oohh~"

Rd:"I-Its not like that Rarity! Ehem, anyways she's a setter."

Ss: "And who's the one who angrily yelled at you?"

Rd: "Oh thats Gilda, our team's wing spiker.. I guess she's the team's captain now."

While the upperclassmen continued to talk about the other team, I kept on looking at Applejack and the coach which is her brother.

I really enjoy seeing Aj so happy.. I dont know why but it also makes me happy for some unknown reasons. Suddenly, I looked away from Applejack when I felt someone tap my back, so I turned around and saw Fluttershy.

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