-The end-

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I finally finished this book.. Thank god. I just want to say thank you guys so much for reading it! It hella means a lot to me, thank you guys so much for 10k reads 🤧❤💕

But Im thinking about revising this book because it has so many misspelled words, a dumb storyline and Applejack was so out of her character XD

She was like an aggressive incredible hulk in this story 😂


But after 4 months, 60,000+ words and 60 chapters, I finally finished this book.

Once again, thank you guys so much.. Im literally crying rn 🤧💕

This may not be a good book out here, but I really enjoyed making it for you guys..

Even though I still have classes, a lot of assignments, stress, someone just rejected me (again) XD (but yeah its okay 😂) , family problems.. I still managed to finish this garbage of a book.

And yes, I'll be working on the book 2 of this 😏

Thank you guys again, love all of you and stay safe 🤗❤💕

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