Chapter 36: Rival

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After a few minutes of playing passed, the score was now currently Manehattan- 23 and CHS- 16 in our second set. It was clear were getting wrecked in the second set after we lost the first one.

Applejack was still raging out a lot because her tosses kept on missing, Sunset was begging to get pissed since her attacks were being blocked, and the rest of my team were almost about to give up, except me.

What bothers me the most is if we loose this 2nd set, Manehattan will get the win. But seeing my team like this, I knew we have a chance of loosing.

Manehattan is only the second leading team in prefecture, imagine how more deadly Cloudsdale can be if we face them.

Ss: "Right, right!" Sunset yelled, making me snap back to to reality.

Aj: "F*cking get it this time!" Applejack yelled back before tossing the ball for the captain.

But as soon Sunset spiked the ball with her hand, another two man block looms in front of her which made the ball fly outside.

Ss: "Danm, cover!"

Pp: "Got it!" Pinkie pie replied after diving into the sand just to save the ball with her right hand.

R: "Got it!" Rarity cheered, passing the ball back to our setter.

But when the bal touches the cowgirl's finger tips, my eyes went wide when I realized she wasn't about to toss the ball to any of us, instead she did an unexpected dump from the top.

With the other team's quick instincts, they immediately saved the ball before it touches their base and passed it to their setter after.

Aj: "Tsk!"

Rd: "Calm down SALTYjack you've been raging non sto-" I was cut off when she gave me another one of her scary death glare. "Okeh- Im sorry."

Aj: "Im gonna yeet you to the ocean after this."

Rd: "If you can loser. Hey can you like I dont know.. Toss to me now?!"

Aj: "Chance ball!" She yelled while receiving the ball, ignoring my question.

Rd: "Jackass." I muttered to myself before running beside Twilight to do our weak ass block.

Ts: "On 3 okay?"

Rd: "Okay!"

Ts: "One, two-"

Before twilight could even finish, I immediately jumped ahead of them as I reached both my hands to the air to block their attack.

It may seem wrong to jump early without Twilight's permission but the other team's ace's attack was coming that very moment.

As soon she spiked the ball with full force, it went directly to my right hand, making me gasp in slight pain.

Rd: "Ack! One touch!" I yelled to hint my team.

After I got back down to the sand, I decided to run to Aj's side to do our quick attack, but when I noticed there was blood on the sand, I slowly checked my hand.

Rd: "B-blood..?" I gasped in pure shock.

Aj: "Rainbow!" Applejack screamed my name before jumping and tossing me the ball.

Of course I immediately ran after it and jumped vertically just to spike it. But the pain in my hand was aching, causing me to miss the ball and tumble out of the court afterwards.

Rd: "Ack!" I groaned while slowly getting up.

Ss: "Rainbow!" Sunset worriedly yelled as she told our coach for our last time out for the match.

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