Chapter 49: Just a weakling

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Aj: "Im weak.. YOUR MY WEAKNESS!"

A few seconds has now slowly passed as I stare into her angered yet worried eyes after she admitted it, still shaking from the shock the cowgirl has given me..

With my eyes still widened from her confession, I forced myself to let out a weak laugh from disbelief, thinking to myself that she's lying to me, again.

But even though I think of it as a joke, she still looks serious while her tears freely do down her face. I never seen her cry this much and it hurts me just looking at her. Was she telling the truth?

Instead of replying back to her, I lastly sighed and took hold of her chin, slightly raising her head up to make her face me afterwards. 

And yet again, my heart kept on aching as I watched Applejack cry this hard, but nothing stopped me from gathering my courage before speaking up to break the silence. 

Rd:" No.. Your not weak." I mumbled, letting go her her chin. "W-what do you mean by all of that?" 

The cowgirl then quickly wiped her face with her hand, still taking hold of her shirt with a tight grip on her other hand. 

But when she faced me, I realized how serious she was in this moment. It looks like she wasn't lying nor messing around with me.

Heck, why did I even told her that? It was only karma because I freaking made out with Fluttershy back at my place, I deserve to feel this crap!

Finally, Applejack lastly took a deep breath before facing me again in my eyes, making me take a few steps back to the door. 

Aj: "I am weak, idiot.. I've always been."

Rd" Stop lying, I know your just saying that to make yourself lo-"

Aj:" You absolute idiot!" She interrupted after grabbing my shirt again. "I am tellin' the truth! You know I would never lie to you!"

Rd:" Ack! Can you please stop doing that!" I growled back, pushing her away with weak force. "What do you mean your weak?! You are the most toughest person I know in my entire life, I know you would never say such a thing!"

Aj:" I already told you that Im not the same person back at school! Yeah I sure act tough and threatening to some people but thats all it is, Im scared deep inside, Rainbow Dash.. You never even noticed this!"

Rd:" Cause I never though of you as a weak girl asshole!" I replied, making her gasp in slight shock. "I have admired you from a far for so long now.. Your a complete jackass, a freaking pervert, a jerk! Many words may described you Applejack but weak isn't one of them!"

AJ:" its because you don't know me well enough! I may be a jackass to everyone else but for you.. I changed, your my weakness Rainbow.. its always been from day one."

Rd:" How the fuck am I your weakness? Is it because your scared of me? Or the fact that I can move on to Nationals, gain my Ace title and leave you and our team for a powerful one?!"

Aj:" Its because Im scared of loosing you, shrimp."

Once again, her replied made me speechless as slight guilt came up to both my mind and body, causing more tears to form in my eyes. 

Im surprised that Countess haven't got of the room yet even though it was clear that our yelling was being heard from around the house. But enough about her, Im still not done with the truth about Applejack. 

Rd:" What d-do you mean? Your not gonna loose me." I replied with a broken voice.

Aj:" I.. I just feel like you will." She started, placing her hand on my shoulder after. "Your more passionate in volleyball than me, you have potential, Rainbow, but Im just scared of admitting it."

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