Chapter 15: bullies

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After I asked my mom the question thats been bothering me all day, I sat down at the coach while waiting for my mother to respond.

Ww: "Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person.. Why did you asked sweetie?"

Rd: "Nothing.. I honestly dont know.."

Ww: "Aww is something bothering you Rainbow? You can tell me." She asked with a comforting smile as she sat down beside me.

Rd: "I dont know mom.. Whenever I see this-"

Before I could even tell my mom everything, I immediately stopped talking when I realized.. I was falling for a girl. Should I tell my mom? I mean im not even sure if I like Aj, or do I just envy her?

Rd: "Boy.. A strange feeling always overcome me like- I get all awkward when Im with him and I cant stop looking at him.."

Ww: "Aww I thought this day will never come!" My mom squealed in joy, pulling me into a tight hug. "What's the boy's name? Is he handsome?"

Rd: "Uh.. Yes? I mean.. She wears a cowboy hat."

Ww: "She?"

Rd: "I mean he! Sorry im just nervous.."

Ww: 'Well dont be! Im sure you love your secret crush, and Im sure he likes you back. "

Rd: "Y-you think so?"

Ww: "Definitely! My daughter is so beautiful and kind, of course every boy will fall in love with you so please pick the right one okay?"

Rd: "Geez mom Im not that pretty but.. Thanks." I lastly said before pulling away from the hug and standing up.

Ww: "Just remember Rainbow, Falling in love is easy, Having sex is easier, but bumping into someone that can spark your soal, now that's rare. So get the Chance okay?"

Rd: "Wow.. Did you just googled that?" I asked with a teasing grin.

Ww: "Uh.. No." She replied with a nervous smile, putting away her phone in her hand.

Rd: "Im gonna guess that you did but.. Thanks mom." I replied with a smile before running up to my room.

I cant get rid of this irresistible smile on my face for some reason, Im not used to getting into some romantic interests stuff cause Im mostly boyish.. But is my mother right?

As soon I made it to my room, I immediately threw my bag into the corner and changed into my pajamas, placing my uniform aside.

I then fell into my bed while grabbing the ball beside me. I usually practice my tosses to help me get my sleep but Im full awake for some reason.

Rd: "Why did I lie? I should have told my mon that my crush is a girl.. But I know she'll be devastated when she finds out. But Im sure Im straight, Im just confused.. Right?" I thought to myself, tossing the ball upwards and catching it afterwards for me to repeat.

After a few minutes passed, I started to drift off so I threw my ball to the side so I can finally wrap myself in my blanket.

But one thing still disturbs me..

Does Applejack like me back?
I then woke up in a massive stadium filled with other volleyball teams..

Rd: "Is this the nationals?" I asked myself in amazement as I glance at the massive place.

When I accidentally glanced at the nearby window, I saw my reflection. I was wearing the same black uniform like the Ace when I watched her at the television.

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