Kylo Ren

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Summary: You and your boyfriend Kylo get into an argument, this leads him to say nasty things. After spending a night apart you make up......REALLY make up.

I flinched as a chair was thrown against the wall right next to me. "Leave me the fuck alone Y/N." Kylo screamed.

You see I was talking to Hux, and he made me laugh so I playfully hit his arm while I laughed. All innocent. But in Kylo's eyes I'm cheating.

"Kylo you know I would never cheat on you! I gave everything to you, why would I throw that away?" I screamed back. At this point Kylo's lightsaber has been ignited, he was hitting the walls.

"I see the way you look at him, you probably already fucked him you whore." He spat.

A sob escaped my lips. "Your such a goddamn child! You are the only one I love! I was having a fucking conversation with another human. Grow the fuck up!" I screamed.

At this point he was livid. Not just me talking to Hux but I called him a child. You never call THE KYLO a child. "Get out! I don't want to see you again, if you come near me you will regret it. I don't want a whore as a girlfriend." He spat.

I ran to our room collecting a bag of clothes and necessities. Tears streamed down my face, Kylo has never treated me like this. I walked up to him, and I shoved the necklace he gave me into his chest.

"Thanks for breaking my heart you fucking jerk." I cried. Kylo raised his hand up, as if he would hit me. He only stopped when he saw the fear in my eyes.

"Y/N! No I'm sorry I wouldn't do that. Please don't go." I flinched, and ran out of his quarters. He has never screamed at me or tried to hit me like this.

I arrived at my old quarters, punching my code in and locking the door. Once I reached my bed, I plopped down and cried into my pillow.

Kylo had saved me from my terrible life on Jakku, he gave me a position as his secretary and eventually we started dating. I was the only one he would show his emotions with. He was amazing until tonight.

I gave him all of me, and this is how I'm treated. He expects me to be a good "housewife" and stay inside all day. I just wanted to talk to another person, I've been inside for so long.

Eventually I had no more tears left, and I passed out. My nightmares kept replaying Kylo about to hurt me, all night.

Eventually I gave up trying to sleep and decided to take a hot shower. Usually Kylo and I did this together, we did everything together when he wasn't busy. The thought of this made me cry.

I will admit Kylo has scared me before, he's never done what he did last night but I've seen him with other workers. He's terrifying.

After my long shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and returned to my room. Just as I was about to open my bag, there was a soft knock on my door.

I tiptoed to the door opening it and angled my head out, hiding my body. "Wh-why are you here?" I whispered.

Kylo stood there holding some sort of flowers in his hands, a small smile appeared on his face. "May I please come in?" He softly spoke.

I reluctantly moved aside, letting him in. He set the flowers on a nearby table and took his cape off, draping it on a chair.

"Listen. Y/N I know you probably won't forgive me but I'm so sorry. Your my first, well girlfriend and I don't like to share you. Seeing you with Hux lighted something evil in me, all I saw was red. I'm so sorry I took it out on you, I trust you and I know nothing happened. I just get insecure sometimes because I know Hux likes you. And I promise you I would never hit you. I'm not sure what took over me, I promise until the day I die I will protect you, and never hurt you. Y/N I love you."

Hearing his words made me cry, Kylo isn't one to say I'm sorry. Also he has never said he loves me until now. I instantly jumped into his arms, smashing my lips onto his. "I love you." I whispered between kisses.

After awhile if this, Kylo slipped my towel off of me, rubbing his gloved hands over my sides. I began undressing him, leaving him just in his pants.

As I began to go down on my knees, Kylo stopped me. "Oh no baby, tonight is about you." He whispered.

Kylo gently picked me up and laid me on the bed. I felt him kiss up my legs, stopping and looking up at me. I nodded at him and watched as he licked a long stripe up my cunt.

I had to resist the urge to close my legs but Kylo held them apart. Kylo licked my clit as he entered one finger into me, earning a loud moan from me.

Kylo entered a second finger, picking up his speed. He reached his other hand up to grope my breasts, my breathing became erratic feeling a knot form at the pit of my stomach.

Kylo kept his fast pace of his fingers and mouth in my cunt as I came. With a couple more licks, he removed his fingers standing up to take his pants off.

My breathing never slowed down as I saw his cock spring free. He stroked himself a couple times, then leaning over me kissing me as he entered my cunt.

At first his thrusts were slow, I linked my legs around his waist feeling him go deeper inside me. "Kylo please." I whined.

"Please what baby?" Kylo moaned, attaching his mouth on my neck. Surely there would be marks later.

"Faster, please. Fuck." I moaned out. Kylo smirked and picked up his speed, he rammed into me at an ungodly speed.

All that was heard was the erotic sounds of skin slapping and moans from the both of us. "Let everyone know who's fucking you baby." Kylo whispered in my ear. As if on cue I screamed out his name.

Kylo quickly pulled out and flipped me on my stomach with my ass in the air and face stuffed in the pillow, he roughly slammed back into my cunt. My moans were muffled as he picked up his speed.

Kylo pulled my hair, pulling my face up and arching my back. The same knot was building again, I felt his cock twitch, I knew he was close. "Don't cum yet. Wait for me." He moaned.

After a couple minutes, Kylo's thrusts became sloppy, just as he came, I did also. I screamed out as he rode through our highs.

Once he pulled out, he turned me back over and helped me clean up. "I'm sorry baby, I love you so much please forgive me." He kissed me.

"Of course I do." I whispered, falling asleep in his arms.

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