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"You have a new mission," said a woman around her mid-thirties, pushing back the stray strands of her silver hair falling to the sides of her face as she looked up from her paperwork.

She was sitting on a chair with a desk loaded with stacks of papers and folders in front of her. Beyond her desk stood two teens— a boy and a girl. The woman grabbed a folder and handed it to them— the boy being the one to receive it.

"You'll find everything you need to know about your case in your file," the woman said, sighing soon after while shifting in her seat. "But as usual, I still need to brief you on the situation. It is protocol after all."

"What do we have this time T?" You asked, with a grin and your hand on your hip.

"Well, agent," T said, emphasizing her last word while narrowing her eyes at you. "It's probably the biggest mission you have as to date."

"Well, that's exciting," You said with a playful tone.

"Six. Compose yourself," The boy beside you said, not even looking at you since he was too busy looking at the documents inside the file.

"Alright, Three," You said, giving him a side glance before rolling your eyes and giving off a soft chuckle.

Three has always been the serious type between the two of you, but still you two worked well together. Although he looked like he was done with most of your shit all the time, he knew that you knew when it was time to actually be serious or not.

"I believe both of you know the situation. Or at least an idea of it," T said.

"Breach of privacy," Three muttered, loud enough to be heard. He looked up this time, showing T that he was paying attention.

"Basically that," T said, shrugging. "As stated in the file both the primary goal and the suspect are unknown."

"So they traced signals back to Karasuno High School. How?" Three asked.

"Right," T said, pointing at the boy for a second as she remembered that detail. "I forgot it didn't state that there."

"That's weird," You pointed out.

"Not really. They usually do that when they don't think it's really relevant to the case. All you basically needed to know is that the signals were traced back to that."

You held out your hand to Three, gesturing to him to give you the file— which he did. As soon as you did, you opened the folder and looked at the first page.

"These suspects. Why them?" You asked as your eyes scanned the list of the suspects.

"That's connected to Three's question earlier, which I will now answer. Those five suspects are all enrolled in Karasuno High School as first years in class 1. The signal was detected during a class they had in the computer lab. It is believed that the program made by the person behind all this is still within the developing stage since what happened was that five computers turned blue in a matter of seconds, starting from the middle then spreading to the next two computers beside it on both sides."

"And who was seated there in the middle?" Three asked.

"Hinata Shouyou. Information about him and other suspects can be found there."

"Okay," You said, closing the folder. "So, only the two of us are assigned to this case?"

"Yes," T said, nodding. "They said we should send two for now. Only if deemed necessary is when I'm allowed to send more."

"Alright. Got it." Three said, nodding a little as well to show that he understood your higher-up.

"Anyways, the mission. You two will go undercover as transferees in Karasuno High School. Every detail you need to know is in the other pages of your file. All information such as your foster family and your fabricated papers are there. All that's left is for you to execute the mission." T explained. "Also, I need to inform you about our assumptions."

"Assumptions?" Three asked.

"Well, we have three probable situations that might have resulted to this," T said.

"Question," You said, raising your finger. "This program. When were we made aware that it was being developed?"

"Almost two months ago," T answered.

"Where?" Three asked. "The signals I mean. Where were they tracked to?"

"We don't know where it came from. They did a good job hiding it. But we do know what database they wanted to get information from."

"Where?" You asked.

"Our agency. The main one."

You and Three looked at each other before returning your gaze at Agent T. By main building, she meant the one located in Tokyo. 

The agency you, Three, and T were working for had different branches even in the Miyagi Prefecture to prevent having a big number of agents in just one place. It had many hired agents but the branches didn't have over a hundred each.

"It seems like they wanted to go big or go home, huh?" You said.

"Seems like it. But it was stopped and the traces became dormant until last week when that happened," T said.

"So what are the assumptions? You said there were three?" Three asked.

"Yes," T said with a nod.

You opened the folder again and looked at the papers inside.

"The first one— the least likely but it's what we're hoping for— is that it was just a mistake, that whoever is behind this just slipped up. The second and third ones are more likely. They're both about someone doing this on purpose to attract our attention. The only difference is that the second assumption is that it was done by one of the five suspects while the third has a whole other person behind it," T said.

"If that's the case, we need to watch every action we and those around us take," Three said.

"Indeed. We don't know if they're waiting for someone to be sent so just always be on guard."

"Understood," You mumbled.

While she told you and Three the details, you began multi-tasking by screening the papers she was talking about.

"Wait a minute," You said, the moment your eyes landed on a certain information. "It says in my birth certificate here that I'm born as a male. Is that a mistake?"

"That was intentional. All of the suspects are boys and it would be easier to approach them if both of the agents were male." T explained further.

"If this is the case, then why not use Seven instead of me or One from the other group?" You asked.

It wasn't usual for teens to be included in the agency but a certain incident years ago had changed that.

For the branch you were located in, there were only ten teens who were separated into groups of five. For the group you're in, T was appointed as the one in charge over you five: Agent 459, Agent 508, Agent 790, Agent 352, and you, Agent 606.

For the other group, it had another agent in charge— Agent O.

"Agent 790 already has an on-going mission. He's one of the people in the tech division right now helping solve this case. As for the only other group in our branch that has your age range, they're also dominated by girls. Only one out of five of Agent O's group is a boy which is, coincidentally, also Agent 140. The heads decided that it would be better to send two from the same group since you'd have to know them well for the mission. And who else to send other than you."

"It's because of my physique, isn't it?" You asked, referring to your physical features.

"I never said anything about that."

"Whatever." You replied, rolling your eyes.

"Come on, Six. We need to talk this over before it starts." Three said, prompting for the both of you to leave.

"When is it anyway? When does it start?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"In two days," T answered.

"Alright. Thanks, T." You said, walking away with Three leading the way.

"Good luck," T said, as you and Three were almost out the door.

"Won't need it," You said with a grin while giving T a quick salute with two fingers.

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