S 23

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Morning practice was canceled so the moment you arrived in Karasuno, you headed towards your chair and placed your head down. Naturally, you were still put off a little with your team's loss and your own conflicts yesterday. You didn't have a good sleep as well because of how you kept wondering whether or not your decision was right.

Once the bell rang, you forced yourself to listen to class to distract yourself. You'd occasionally glance at Shouyou during classes with a worried look because of how out of it he was. You didn't know how the others were but they were also probably as down as him— excluding Kei because of your conversation with him the day before.

You wanted to just stand up and hug him and tell him the last point wasn't his fault but you knew how hypocritical it was for you to say that when you were berating yourself for some of the points you lost.

Once the first break came, you went towards your friend to try to talk a little with him.


Before you could continue though, you were cut off by someone.

"Excuse me."

You turned your head towards the door and looked at your class advisor who was standing near it.

"[Last Name] Shin and Maki?"

"Yes, sensei?" You and Maki asked.

"Your mom called and requested for an early dismissal for you two. Family emergency, apparently. Grab your bags and I'll escort you both to the gate where your aunt is."

Your eyes widened a little before looking at your fellow agent who had a similar expression to yours.

"Thank you, sensei," You said before running towards your chair and grabbing your bag.

You looked at Maki who already has his bag as well. You nodded at him and walked with your teacher towards the school's gate.

"Who's this aunt sensei's talking about?" You whispered to Maki.

"I don't know," he replied. "But I have a guess."

The black-haired boy moved his hands and placed his hand over the tip of his other hand's fingers to form the letter T.

'T? As in Agent T?'

It would most likely be T because your foster parents' background didn't really include any siblings.

'If it really is T though, then what would bring her here? And how big is this emergency?'

When you and Maki arrived at the gates with your class advisor, you saw a tall woman with long silver heels. Agent T.

"Hello, [Last Name]-san," your class advisor said, shaking T's hand.

"Hello, sensei. Thank you for bringing my nephews here," T said, smiling at your teacher. "Shin, Maki, let's go."

"O-Okay, Auntie," You said, walking towards the car she brought.

Once you two entered the car, you and Maki stayed silent.

"It's nice to see you too, Three, Six," T said, starting the engine.

With your agent names mentioned, you knew it was okay to start talking now.

"What's this, T? Don't tell me the emergency was that you missed us," You said with a teasing grin.

"I wish it was, honestly," T said, turning the wheel.

"What happened, Agent T?" Maki asked.

"It spread," T answered. "The signal."

"What?" You asked, surprised. "How?"

"We can't answer that."

You bit your lip in frustration before glancing at your fellow agent.

"Well, what do we know?" Maki asked.

"Not much," T answered with a defeated tone. "I'll explain more when we get back to our branch."


"Around lunchtime, a sudden burst of interferences occurred all around Miyagi. There were absolutely no patterns. Some were near coffee shops. Some were in public libraries.  Some of them were around some schools as well," T said, showing you and Maki a record of yesterday's data. "Unlike Karasuno's though, the signals were fuzzier this time in all of the places. The only common thing in the places is how they all had internet connections."

"Does this mean....." You looked at T with worry.

"I'm afraid so," T replied. "It seems that they're developing it faster than we expected."

"What action did the agency decide on?" Maki asked.

"Since we don't have actual suspects here, the only thing we could do is constant check-ups on the places where the signals were strong," T said. "A lot of agents were already tasked to do so."

"How does this affect our mission?" Maki asked.

"Karasuno is still under investigation. We're not adding any other agents in your mission because the person might notice it. As for the prime suspect, Hinata Shouyou is still considered as most likely to be the one we're looking for."

"I disagree," You said, firmly.

T looked at you, indirectly asking you to explain. The expression she held wasn't a look of disbelief, making you more confident with defending Shouyou.

"It might not be big enough proof to prove his innocence but I, at least, have a strong back-up on why he wasn't connected at all to what happened yesterday," You said.

"Okay, continue," T said.

"The whole day yesterday, I was with Shou- Hinata Shouyou. He was completely devastated by the team's loss. He didn't hold any devices because he was too busy staring blankly outside the way home," You explained. "I can confirm because I was beside him the whole time. The only time I wasn't was when we ate and when he went to the bathroom, of course."

"That's a pretty strong defense but we can't remove him from the list yet considering what happened the first time," T said.

"I understand," You said. "But, if I may add, Three and I were able to narrow it down to three most possible suspects based on circumstances and how well we know them by now."

"Okay," T said.

You looked at Maki and gave a small smile and nod at him.

"Six and I were able to narrow it down to Takayama Orochi, Okuda Sakiko, and Iwata Toshiyuki," Maki started. "For Takayama Orochi, we just haven't found any strong piece of evidence against or protecting him. As for Okuda Sakiko and Iwata Toshiyuki, their parents' occupations make them likely to be the one involved."

"I'll mention that to the main branch once we get in touch with them," T said. "Thank you for your work as always, agents."

You smiled.

"No prob, T."

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