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"You're amazing, Shin!" Yu exclaimed.

"A-Ah thank you," You said, smiling shyly.

Ever since Golden Week training camp, Yu had helped you more than ever with polishing your skills. According to him, you were really quick with learning and learning the technicalities was the only thing you lacked in being a libero.

"Sooner or later, you wouldn't need me anymore to teach you, Shin!" Yu said, with a grin.

"Well, if ever that happens, then let's continue learning in the same pace," You offered.

"Sounds nice to me!"

You giggled along with your second-year libero who you felt the closest to in your team right after Shouyou.

"It's settled then," You said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Yu said. "Now let's try to see you do digs!"



Since the competition was far closer than any of you think, Keishin suggested to do as much practice matches as possible. But with the limited connections, your team could only do much. Most of the time, you all resorted to doing matches against each other.

Because of your uneven numbers, one person usually ends up sitting out of the matches and along with the consideration if each team needing a setter and a libero and the regulars needing the most practice, the choices of who sits out usually ends up being a desicion between the two second-years— Hisashi and Kazuhito— and Tadashi.

As of now, Hisashi was the one who was asked to sit out.

Normally, you'd be with Shouyou's team but since Keishin wanted you and other players as well to not get used to playing with just one group all the time, he decided to mix it a little.

"I've never felt this scared in my life," You said, facing the other team.

Of course it was an exaggerated statement. You've literally met face to face with death a lot of times because of some risky missions. Still, the way the members of the other team was grouped gave you some chills.

As expected, Shouyou and Tobio were both in the same team. Along with them is Daichi and Yu, the two people who were considered to be good with receives— especially Yu, of course. Then, they also had Ryunosuke who honestly had both the skills and personality to lift the team. They also had Chikara who, although wasn't a regular, had some skills of his own that definitely contributed to the team.

"Good thing we have Asahi-san," You said, jokingly slapping the ace on his arm.

"Ah?" Asahi replied, a little shaken. "I-I don't-"

"Come on, Asahi-san! Don't bring yourself down! You're really amazing!" You encouraged.

"Thanks, [Last Name]," Asahi said, smiling at you.

"Alright, let's go!" You said, taking your position.

You were in the middle of the back row. To your left was Kazuhito. To your right and the one serving was Tadashi. As for the front row, directly in front of you was Kei. To his left was Asahi and to his right was Koushi, your team's setter.

You turned to your right and smiled at Tadashi. You could tell he was a little nervous about serving but he smiled back anyway.

"Let's start!" Keishin shouted.


Currently, the other team was in the lead and it was with two points.

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