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"You're a girl?!" Shouyou said, repeating what you had just told them. "Since when?!"

"Since I was born," You answered, giggling.

"Why are you pretending to be a boy then?" Shouyou asked.

"It's all because of my mission," You said. "Which I promise I'll explain why you're connected to it."

"Why did you suddenly decide to tell us all this?" Koushi asked.

"Well, other than the fact that I felt guilty for lying to all of you when I consider you all as people I trust, I also think it'll help me in helping Shouyou more," You said.

"But how is that connected to you revealing you're actually a girl?" Tadashi asked.

"Oh," You said, giving off an awkward chuckle with your hand was on the back of your head. "I just thought that if I was gonna come clean to all of you, then you all might as well know about that."

You cleared your throat.

"Anyway," You started, clapping your hand once. "I'm sure that you have questions so, ask away. It's better to ask all now than later."

"How is it like?" Chikara asked.

"What?" You asked back.

"Being an agent," Chikara clarified. "How is it like?"

"Ah, that," You said. "I can see why that's your question. How do I put this?"

You tapped your chin with your finger as you thought of how to properly put it.

"We're like ghosts," You said. "We don't exist in paper. We take care of things without other people knowing and our tracks are covered up so it really looks things that happened just happened by chance from an outside perspective."

"Do you go to those very dangerous missions like in those movies?" Yu asked.

"Missions can be very diverse but yeah," You said, nodding. "I've had my fair share of dangerous missions."

"Can you tell the story?" Yu asked.

"Not the whole story but I think if I was treated just a minute later, I would've not survived."

"Were you scared?" Hisashi asked.

"At that point?" You said, humming as you thought of the answer. "I don't think so."

"Why did you become one?" Asahi asked.

"Why?" You mumbled.

"I mean, when I think of an agent, I always imagine them as someone around their twenties or older, you know?" Asahi said.

"That's how it was before," You said. "But it changed. As for me, I wanted to help others who were in the same place as I was."

You smiled to yourself then looked down— your smile shifting to a straight line.

"How bad have you hurt someone?" Kei asked.

You chuckled a little, expecting that type of question from him.

"I can't say," You said. "But I can say that I've given them what they deserve. If you're a good person, I won't touch you."

The blond gave you a look that told him he didn't believe you before rolling his eyes, making you giggle.

"I promise that," You said. "I won't hurt you. Any of you."

"Have you ever regretted it?" Koushi asked.

"Not yet," You said, chuckling. "Well, I technically grew up as one. I never experienced what you'd call a normal childhood so I can't miss something I never experienced, right?"

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