L I 05

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"I thought you were going to do read in advance for Science?" Kei asked, looking at you from where he sat— his chair. He held a small book in his for his English class.

"Later.... Later," You said, lying on his bed while setting the volleyball above you over and over.

"Sure," he said with a sarcastic tone.

He sighed before standing up and walking to his bed.

"Move," the blond said. "And start reading so I won't hear you talk about regretting not reading later."

You stopped throwing the ball and pouted.

"Okay," You said, standing up to walk towards your bag.

When you moved away, Kei sat on the bed while leaning back on his bed frame.

You crouched down and opened your [f/c] bag, looking for your Science book. Once you had it in your hands, you went back to the bed and let yourself drop beside Kei.

"Plop," You said as you hit the mattress.

Kei looked at you and shook his head. You giggled, shifting your position so you had your head on his lap while the bottom half of your legs hand lightly from the edge. You held up your book and read over what you planned to.

As the two of you continued to read in silence, Kei, for some reason, ended up reading the book he had with his left hand only— his thumb in between the pages while the rest if his fingers held the back— and had his other hand on your head, patting or playing with your hair every now and then.

When you came across an unfamiliar word, you sighed and closed the book for a moment— placing it on your chest as you groaned. After reading for how many minutes straight, you wanted to rest. You felt Kei's hand still on your head so you put your right hand on his.

You looked up and saw him reading with a serious face. You giggled a little as you raised your left hand.

"Boop," You said as you booped his nose.

Kei looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You giggled again before placing your hand on his right cheek. You could feel how he leaned in to your hand. Before you could even process it, he rotated his head a little and gave a soft peck to your palm then a smirk to you before continuing with reading.

"Pay attention," Kei said, not looking away from his book.

"You say that after doing what you just did?" You said, pouting as you pulled back you hand.


And you did. Not on your book though but on the one who said it.

You smiled softly as you felt your heart feel light. That sudden feeling made you find yourself asking what good you did that let you have something as wonderful as what you had now.

"What?" Kei said, noticing how you were looking at him.

"Nothing," You said.

"That nothing's something," the blond said, putting his book down.

"Can't I hide anything from you?" You joked.

"You can," he said. "But you don't have to lie about it. I'd prefer know that something's going on even if I don't specifically know what it is rather than thinking everything's fine."



"It's that," You said, smiling at the blond. "Tell me. What did I do to deserve you?"

"What?" Kei asked.

Personally, you thought you were lucky to have met someone like Kei. He was a hard person to get close to but it was worth it. He was the type to not sugarcoat the situation but it doesn't mean that he didn't care. He did. He really did.

"I just...." You sat up and shifted your position— you were facing Kei. "Sometimes, I wonder if I deserve this. I mean, I chose this, but am I worth it?"

"Why wouldn't you be?" Kei asked.

"Do I... have the right to be this happy or free when I took away that chance to some people?" You said. "I don't think I would've been the person I am if not for my past experiences but that doesn't mean I don't regret my actions. I've hurt people, even had my hands dirty for some missions. Even though it was for the sake of good, I still did bad things. Is hurting people valid when it's done for the 'right' reasons? I mean, even if they worked for people who were doing wrong things, they still had families."

"Whether or not you deserve it, don't you think what matters more is that you acknowledge it?" Kei asked. "You think you did something bad? Maybe you did. But what can you do about it now? Do you want to do something about it?"

"I... Can I?" You asked. "What can I do?"

"Live," Kei said. "While you can't think of anything to do, then just continue living. If you end up realizing that there is something you can do then do it. But don't spend your freedom worrying about a question without an answer."

Kei placed his hand on your head and smiled at you. You smiled back.

"Alright," You said, sitting on his thighs while facing him. "I have a question."

"Hm?" the blond asked, smirking at you.

"I know it's weird to ask since we've been together for how many months already but, are you really sure? You can accept who I am and who I've been?" You asked. "This is no longer Six, Shin, and any other name I've used before. I'm just [Name] standing in front of you, 100% transparent."

Kei smirked. He placed his hand on the back of your head and softly pushed you forward as he leaned in as well— closing the gap between you two. You smiled with your eyes closed as you felt his lips on yours. 

You placed one of your hands on his chest while the other was on his cheek.

The kiss was sweet and quick, ending as soon as it began. Kei leaned back but still kept a small distance between the two of you. 

He smiled at you before saying,

"I like who I'm seeing."

Transparent [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now